Stiles' Number

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The entire weekend Stiles was acting odd. Normally he'd wrap himself up in a blanket and invite you to sit on his lap, Scott would lay the length of the sofa with his feet balancing on the arm rest next to you.

Instead he stared straight ahead crammed between Scott and the end of the sofa as they watched one of the movies they saved for when you weren't at Stiles'. From there it got worse, no texts to check you were getting around ok on your own, no suddenly flailing Stilinski falling through your window to check if you were still alive.

"Hit him." Malia muttered.

"I'm not hitting him for ignoring me." You sighed.

"Well you need to do something, I'm tired of driving you around." Lydia sighed.

"You forced me into the car in fact you had Malia carry me out of my room and put me in the car." You giggled.

"I'm not a monster (Y/N), I'm not letting you walk around Beacon Hills on your own, but seriously your Stilinski car habits are rubbing off on Malia and I'd like to give you back." She smiled and pulled off your drive.

"He's ignoring me." You reminded her.

"What'd you do anyway you guys were like the baby bump pals and now you're all you know awkward." Lydia asked.

"I don't know... I went to the club on my own." You admitted. "Ow!"

"Damn right ow, (Y/N) what were you thinking going out late at night on your own!" Lydia hissed.

"Did you have fun?" Malia asked as she leant into the front of the car.

"I think so.... I was drunk, Stiles wrote his number on me and then the next thing I remember was waking up snuggled up with him in his bed, nothing out of the ordinary." You sighed.

"(Y/N), you're an idiot but I love you... now go into the school hunt him down and pin him to a will if you have to get answers." Lydia said as she pulled up in the parking lot.

"I could teach you how to hunt him." Malia chirped.

"Thanks Malia I think I'm good." You mumbled grinning reluctantly and heading inside.

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