Motel (Part Two)

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Warnings: Hints of smut

Stiles stared at you from across the corridor. You were part of coaches new, the cheerleaders distract the enemy while Scott scores, plan and to say you were unhappy about it was an understatement. You'd been his first pick and thanks to you any one who wanted onto the squad was accepted.

"Dude come on stop staring at her." Scott sighed when he finally found Stiles.

"It's not just me right she is all up in everything I do, like she's everywhere." Stiles complained and waved his hands to point out what he meant.

"Stiles we have bigger things to think about, also Isaac said if you screw up because you're staring at (Y/N) he'll put you on the flag pole." Scott guided Stiles to the changing rooms and waved as he walked past you.

"Someone should give her bigger things to think about." Stiles grunted and glared at you.

"Stiles no, just concentrate on the game." Scott laughed and patted Stiles' shoulder.

You were still mad at Stiles, not that you'd tell him exactly why, but seeing as he'd tripped over his own feet twice and smacked himself in the face instead of scoring because of your attempts you were pretty satisfied.

"You know what, we used to be friends and you just grew up to be a total... you... you're naked I'll um turn around." Stiles muttered and turned.

"Thanks." Was all you sighed as you grabbed a towel.

"You understand that you made me look like an idiot right, there was no need for it." He grumbled and ran a hand over his face as he spoke.

"You deserved it." You snapped and crossed your arms over your chest, waiting for him to get annoyed and leave so you could get dressed and go home.

"I deserved it, what exactly did I do that had me deserving all this." He almost yelled and turned to face you.

"You're smart, figure it out." You glared at him and he started spluttering.

"I... what... you are the most frustrating person I've ever met." He flinched when he saw something like hurt flicker through your eyes but when you rolled them and pouted he sighed. "You know what, Scott's right."

Before you could as he grabbed you face and kissed you, walking you back until your back hit the wall, one leg slotted between your legs while his arms slinked around you. it took a second before the both of you realised what you were doing and pulled away.

"Stiles (Y/N)'s here." John yelled on his way out and you thanked him as he let you in.

Stiles wasn't sure he heard right so when he came galloping down the stairs he had to skid to a stop and almost slipped on the carpet. He wasn't sure why you were stood in his hall or if you were about to do something overly mean.

"Your dad let me in." You muttered and scuffed your shoes on the doormat.

"Yeah I guessed that." He sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Scott says I should tell you what you've done, we spoke about it and he thought you'd understand." You mumbled and blushed when he scoffed at you.

"You spoke to Scott, you hate Scott more than me, you know what I don't even care anymore." He shook his head and held his hands up in defeat.

"You ditched me for Scott as soon as you found him and every time I tried to get in your little gang of friends you both just ignored me!" You yelped and Stiles stopped to listened. "I've gone through both schools completely alone and watched you get your perfect friends."

"You... I... I'm sorry." He muttered and you gawked at him as he stepped towards you until he'd pinned you against the front door. "Sorry for being an ass, ignoring you and breaking the pinkie promise to be your bestest guy ever."

"Well then I'm sorry for being a totally b...!" You were cut off when Stiles hoisted your legs around his waist and bit your lip softly before kissing you.

"I totally forgive you." He muttered and groaned as your fingers twisted into his hair and his hips nudged against yours.

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