The Stilinskis'

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The first time Lydia Martin turned on your doorstep you stared at her like she'd grown a second head. Of all the people to come looking for you brother she was the last that came to mind. Hell Derek Hale had climbed into your room, mistaking it for Stiles' room. The most awkward high school reunion ever.

"Hi (Y/N)." Lydia called as she let herself in. "I have dinner." She smiled and tossed you the carrier bag of food which you caught and unloaded into the fridge.

"He started another list it's upstairs and he's started a document but I'm not sure what he's researching." You called as she jogged straight up to his room.

You closed the fridge and jumped, tossing a bottle of milk at Derek who looked at the bottle he'd caught. "What have I told you about sneaking into the house!"

"You attacked me with milk." He chuckled and you rolled your eyes.

"Why have you broken into my house!" You sighed and ran your hand through your hair as you checked the awkwardly drawn out weekly schedule that hung above the kitchen radiator.

"Stiles left me messages saying he needed help." He explained as if that gave you an answer to your question.

"We have a doorbell and a front door." You pointed out while shaking your head and stomping to the living room. "Lyds has Styles messaged you he's running late!" You yelled up the stairs.

"No, he said he had to practise and that he should be here ten minutes after me!" She yelled back and you glanced at the clock.

"You know he's probably lost." Derek offered unhelpfully as he rooted through your fridge like a hungry bear.

"Hey!" You snapped and thwacked him with the dish towel. "Stilinski rule, wanna eat, you help out."

"You were more fun in high school." He grumbled but reluctantly started washing the dishes Stiles had dumped in the sink.

"Shit happens Hale, he's not back by half past you're going to look for him because we're low on mountain ash and wolfsbane." You grumbled.

"Do I even want to know?" Derek asked as he snatched the tea towel from you and started drying up, putting away everything as if he knew where it went.

"You know you're literally the nicest monster in town right!" You sighed and paced the room as you checked your phone.

"But why stock up when you could just get to Deaton's?" He muttered and went back to the fridge.

"Sorry I'm late!" Stiles called as he burst into the house.

"MIECZYSLAW STILINSKI!" You yelled and he skidded to a stop at the bottom of the stairs looking utterly terrified as you stomped towards him.

"I know you told me to stop putting Scott's laundry in with ours but he ran out of boxers!" He yelped.

"What, ew no. You're late and you didn't call, what if Peter had eaten you!" You said sternly and Derek chuckled from the kitchen doorway.

"What? Peter stopped hanging around the school ages ago, dunno what he's up to." Stiles grumbled.

"Not the point, Derek go and find your crazy uncle instead of laughing. And you, if you're late tell someone." You jabbed a finger at Stiles who nodded and hugged you.

"Stop worrying so much... just sit down and watch something or make Derek do the housework. We seriously need to talk about how you got him so whipped when you're just pals like..." Stiles pulled away from the hug and shrugged.

"He was a cocky asshole at school, I sorted him out a bit." You mumbled and Stiles nodded.

"You mean like when you 'sorted out' that guy that was picking on me in freshman two years back?" Stiles chuckled and you rolled your eyes.

"Hey he was picking on you!" You defended and smiled when Lydia came downstairs.

"Do you know if there were any werewolves up by the diner last week?" Lydia asked you and you winced.

"I don't think so I'm pretty sure it was some other creature, Chris was checking it out but he didn't say that there were werewolves." You frowned and glanced at the porch.

"He's dropping Deaton's stuff off later I can ask him then?" You offered and she nodded, grabbing Stiles by his shirt and dragged him upstairs.


"You guys, dinner's ready... is he not in here with you?" You asked as Lydia pinched the bridge of your nose.

"Who?" Stiles asked and you rolled your eyes.

"The gigantic muscle bound puppy we seemed to have acquired." You sighed and Stiles opened his window, leaning so he could look up at the roof.

"Yeah, he's not hanging around. Maybe he went home." Stiles shrugged as he shut his window.

"I checked the basement he's not there." You answered seriously. "Wait... you think he found somewhere to live?"

"He's been gone for like... four hours. He might have found like a... wolf hole maybe?" Stiles offered.

"Well I wish he'd turn up I need him to help plot this out." Lydia sighed and sat back in Stiles' desk chair.

"Ok well you two come eat before you forget." You called and motioned for them to follow you.

"We not waiting for Dad?" Stiles asked as he yawned and helped plate up the food from the fridge.

"No, Scott texted to say he's dropping food off to Deaton, Melissa and Dad and that he won't be able to come tonight." You said before frowning at the door. "What the hell... we know like, two people that use the front door."

You'd thought for a moment maybe your words to Derek earlier had sunk in. "There doors open!" You called and tried to stop Stiles from inhaling his food.

"You just let anyone in here?" Peter drawled and you immediately grabbed the bat leant on the wall and held it up.

"Get out of my house Hale!" You practically growled and held the bat up as you glared at him.

"I just came to see my Nephew." Peter explained as he stepped further into the house.

"Yeah well he's not here and if he was I still wouldn't let you in!" You snapped, swinging the bat at him.

You chased him out of the house and slammed the door shut behind him. With a sigh you set the bat down and checked the door was locked before heading into the kitchen to find your food was being devoured by Derek.

"You're a werewolf not a raccoon!" You groaned and snatched your food from him before motioning for him to portion out his own food.

"Maybe he has worms." Stiles joked and Lydia's head shot up as she looked at Derek with a grossed out look.

"Can they..." She asked you.

"I hope not." You grumbled and watched Derek who was eyeing up the desert sat on the kitchen counter. "Derek, you're allergic to chocolate it makes your stomach ache." You warned.

"We're going to go back up." Stiles said as Lydia followed him out of the kitchen.

"But what about the dishes!" You groaned and pointed at them.

"Isn't that what you have Derek for? That and cuddles." Stiles teased as he hurried up the stairs.

A shattering noise made you grab for the bat and you jogged back into the kitchen to find Derek eating the desert. "I regret the day you followed me home. Stiles was right, we fed you once and you've never left."

"Want the rest?" Derek offered and held out the half finished desert.

"Yeah sure." You chuckled and hopped up to sit on the counter as you finished the desert.

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