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Melissa rubbed your back as she spoke quietly with you. Stiles knew you'd been avoiding him but when Kira had said you were at the hospital he'd rushed down. "(Y/N)." He said, making himself known before coming into the room.

Melissa smiled and glanced at Stiles before muttering to you and heading out. "Hi." You said quietly and Stiles frowned, you were both close and he wasn't sure why you'd suddenly avoid him. "I did a pregnancy test."

There was a long silence and you couldn't bring yourself to look up at him. "Have you told anyone else. Other than Melissa?"

"Not yet." You admitted and Stiles sighed as he nodded and sat down. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and smiled, starting to ramble to keep you cheered up until Melissa came back.

Stiles Stilinski ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now