Let Me Help You (Part Two)

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Then she just vanished." Stiles finished explaining and Scott frowned.

"Like she's gone vanished?" Scott asked and Stiles rubbed his hands together.

"No, she's in my room just no one can see her... I mean I took her to Deaton and even your Mom but they've got nothing, Deaton's keeping an eye out for anything that could explain it but there's only so long your Mom can pretend (Y/N)'s sick." Stiles rambled on and stopped at his locker.

"Do you need me to skip practise and help?" Scott asked as they waited for the rest of the pack to gather round.

"No, I can't make practise again anyway." Stiles sighed and Scott shot him a questioning look. "Whenever I take my Lacrosse stick to far it vanishes and appears back with (Y/N), by the way she has your old bike keys and she can't give them back till this whole thing gets sorted."

"How come we don't go back to (Y/N)?" Scott muttered as he shifted his bag and slammed his locker.

"We do, Deaton told me to test it." Stiles mumbled and slammed his own locker shut as they headed over to the pack. "Got seven miles away and me and Roscoe ended back in the Vet's parking lot.

"Well at least there's not a clock on how long we can be away." Scott shrugged and Stiles made a noise that had the wolf turning in surprise.

"Five and a half hours." Stiles squeaked and clenched his fist as he rounded Scott and started to explain. "She was having a check-up with your Mom and I told Dad that I had to do something urgently and tried to get hold of Derek or Peter in case they knew something, then I tired Kira's Mom and Dad... they had no idea but said they'd look into it, Derek scowled at me and Peter held me upside down until I explained why all his books have been missing then refused to help."

"Stiles this really sounds like something the pack should be helping with!" Scott hissed but Stiles shook his head.

"Deaton said to give it as long as we can before we start messing around in case she gets stuck like that." Stiles said decisively and Scott sighed.

"Fine ok but if it gets worse..." He offered and Stiles snickered.

"How could it get worse than being invisible and unable to explain where you are?" Stiles asked and Scott shrugged.

"I'll tell you how's she's doing... Scott?" Stiles froze when he realised he was back in his room.

"Stiles I didn't know you were home!" John called up the stairs and the teen chuckled nervously.

"Yeah... neither did I." He glanced around and spotted the dip in his bed and guessed you were sat there.

"I'm sorry it's really hard not to do something when you don't know how you're doing it in the first place." You mumbled and he shrugged.

"Hey it's ok, not exactly like we know how to fix this." Stiles sighed and tried to throw an arm over your shoulder, smacking you in the face, kissing the side of your head better once he'd finally got settled down. "Is your stomach rumbling?"

"Yes, your dads been home all day and every time I made some food he came and cleaned it away and complaining about how messy you are... he ate my sandwich to." Just from your tone he could tell you were pouting.

"Naw, well I'll get our usual pizza when I get Dad to drop me off to get the car." He teased and you lent your head on his shoulder.

"Stiles am I going to get stuck like this forever?" You whispered and he frowned, fumbling his hands around till he found one of yours.

"I don't know (Y/N), but I promise (Y/N) I'm with you as long as it takes to fix this." He muttered gently and you shook your head against his shoulder.

After a few minutes of silence, he realised you were crying, his shirt grew damp and he slowly moved to cup your face, running his thumb over your lips as you finally let a loud sob escape.

"Think of all the things I'll miss because no one can see me." You whimpered and he lent forwards, kissing you sweetly as he lent into you.

"I'll always see you (Y/N) and I'm not going to let you miss a thing." He whispered against your lips. "I love you."

He heard you take in a shaky breath and pulled away slightly, smiling when he saw you, completely visible but seemingly frozen in the moment.

"You love me?" You asked quietly, not daring to open your eyes in case it was a cruel trick.

"So much." He admitted and you opened your eyes to see him smiling at you.

"Stiles I can see me... can you see me?!" you exclaimed and leapt up, gripping his shoulder when the mattress springs thunked and sent you toppling sideways.

"I see you, now we just have to figure out how to put the... The stuffs gone to." He hummed and you nodded.

"Maybe it's stopped?" You asked and let your eyes fall to the book that was sat in the middle of Stiles' floor. "Or maybe the book started it?"

"Well before we figure it out we should probably call your Mom and drop by, maybe Melissa can make an excuse for you to stay here until we know you won't vanish again.

"You think I might vanish again?" You asked and Stiles swore you flickered in front of his eyes.

"No, no not at all but it's best to be on the safe side." He pointed out.

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