Clinical lycanthropy

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Stiles Stilinski x Reader

Requested by Anon​

Halloween event

"Stiles, what're you talking about?" You asked as he led you away from the flashing lights of the cruiser he'd been next to. The cop inside glanced his way and then pulled out.

"It's not a real werewolf." He insisted. You frowned at him and glanced around. He'd called you from a pay phone and said that he was onto something. It was chilly but in a brisk way that broke the unusually warm afternoon. Trick or treating had been cancelled due to animal attacks however Sties was certain that there was more going on than anyone realised. While everyone else didn't believe him and assumed that it was just another creature attacking. You at least entertained his idea. Which was why he was now roping you into his current mishap in the middle of the night.

"What're you talking about Stiles?" You asked as you looked around and spotted the Jeep. Following him over to it to get out of the cold.

"Have you ever heard of the term clinical lycanthropy?" He asked you.

"When people think they're werewolves but they're not?" You asked and he nodded.

"Kind of. But I think that this person saw a real werewolf and was maybe attacked and now they think that they're a werewolf. But they're not." Stiles rambled.

"Well, they have to have some kind of super strength to do some of the stuff we've seen." You insisted.

"Not really. If the delusion is strong enough they could probably do most of what we've seen and not notice that they've hurt themself." Stiles offered up. You sighed and gave him a dubious look as he turned on the heater low and drove off.

"Or. It could just be another werewolf or something?" You offered up. Stiles was quiet but his hand gripped so tightly on the steering wheel that his knuckles went white. You didn't say anything else as he dropped you off home and someone spoke over the radio. You had no doubt he wouldn't be going to bed until he'd proven his theory. You, on the other hand, almost crawled up the stairs and flopped down on your bed. No doubt tomorrow you'd be on Stiles shift again seeing as everyone else was busy chasing a monster. Maybe Stiles was right and it was nothing more than someone who needed some help. Hopefully, the group managed to catch whatever or whoever it was before Lydia's Halloween bash.

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