Anyone But Him (Part Two)

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"What am I supposed to do Allison... she won't even look at me and I can't talk to Scott about it." Stiles sighed as he pottered around school after Allison who didn't really mind seeing as he didn't have anyone else to talk to.

"Did you try what Lydia suggested?" Allison asked.

"Yeah, she gave the flowers to a lady at the hospital when she visited Melissa and she gave the pictures back." Stiles snuffled a little and she gave him an apologetic look.

"Maybe she just needs some time, you did put her in an awkward position." Allison pointed out and he sighed as his hands began to fidget.

"I don't think I can do that Alli, I know it's selfish but I've had her by my side since forever, before Kindergarten." Stiles swallowed when you walked past the two of them and ignored his attempt to speak to you.

"I can talk to her if you like." Allison offered and Stiles nodded.

"Can you tell her she doesn't have to choose; I just want my friend back." Stiles muttered gratefully.

"(Y/N)!" A voice hissed and you clambered out of your bed, poking your head out the window to see Stiles dangling out.

"Stiles, Mommy says we can't talk out the window any more... she says if we fall out we will be hurt." You giggled and he scrunched up his nose.

"I won't fall I'm big." He grinned until he slipped and dangled out a bit further.

"I'm real sleepy." You muttered and he sighed.

"I can't sleep." He told you and you hurried to your desk, finding the song you both liked and put your tiny plastic cd player by the open window so you could both listen to it.

"Night (Y/N)." He called and waved before vanishing back into his room.

"Night Stiles." You said back and climbed into bed.

"Hey (Y/N) Allison's here." Your Mom said. Stiles could hear everything from his room, making it nearly impossible to focus on his homework.

"Hey (Y/N) ... you doing ok?" She asked and you sighed loudly.

"I don't know." You admitted.

"Stiles is kind of going crazy not having you around... if I'm honest Scott's not really noticed it that much." Allison's tone had Stiles leaning a little further over his desk so he could hear what you were saying.

"I feel bad for not missing Scott but he just pops up if I need help or he needs help but Stiles..." You huffed and he frowned.

"You should talk to him." Allison told you decisively and your windows slammed shut, cutting him off from the conversation.

You hesitated when you saw Stiles waiting outside your favourite take out, you'd been in the queue a while and he'd already finished his food, judging by the empty bag he was squishing.

"Hey listen I know we're not talking and everything but I saw you come in when I was eating and... I figured you'd rather risk me than something evil." Stiles mumbled awkwardly.

"Why'd you try and make me choose Stiles?" You asked suddenly and he shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

"Should I have pretended that seeing you kiss Scott didn't hurt... let you two go on and be happy while I pretend to be happy when I see you together?" Stiles asked.

"Lydia said that I should tell you guys how I feel but... I don't know how I feel Stiles... I did when I was little and people would tell you these stupidly romantic stories I thought we'd be one of those Stiles but now... I'm just confused." You sighed and he swallowed as the tears dribbled down your cheeks.

"How do you feel when you think about me... more than being confused." Stiles pressed and you sighed.

"Tired, like after I tried to play Lacrosse against Jackson and after I couldn't even get my legs to move and you carried me to the Jeep and you just held me until I stopped feeling like an idiot and you kissed my forehead and stroked my hair." You stopped and he took a step towards you.

He didn't say anything, instead he stood dumbly in front of you, tripping over soft noises as he tried to find the words he wanted to say. He reached out and stroked your tears away, rubbing his fingers together to dry them.

"I can't not have you in my life (Y/N), but I can wait, until you know how you feel and you know what you want." Stiles promised.

"But what if I choose..." you Started and you found yourself tugged against his chest in a warm hug that you'd longed for since that night.

"I can wait." He muttered again.

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