Potential X-Man

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"We're stuck." Lydia whispered as she tried to fiddle with the chains around her arms. Scott, Malia and Liam were all unconscious slumped on the floor. You were chained to the wall opposite Lydia and Stiles. "Do you think they're ok? They clearly didn't mean for them to wake up if they're not going to tie them down."

"Not helping Lydia!" Stiles snapped before saying. "I'm sorry. I was thinking the same thing. We just need to get loose."

"I can." You muttered quietly.

"(Y/N) it's fine, we'll be fine." He spluttered, leaning so he could give you a halfhearted encouraging smile.

"No Stiles... I. I can get myself loose." You mumbled and started focusing on the chains around you. Lydia jerked to look at what you were doing as Stiles gasped. Iron started trailing over your skin as you opened your eyes. Eventually your whole body was the colour of the iron chains and after straining slightly the chains popped apart, some snapping and shattering.

Without glancing at their faces you rushed to crush the chains around Lydia and Stiles while focusing on changing back.

"We should start getting out of here." Lydia said quietly when Stiles stared at you. You didn't look at him, knowing how he felt about you being 'normal'. After chewing on the wolves and managing to rouse them to some extent the pack turned to focus on escaping to safety rather than your newly revealed powers which made you grateful for now.


"Stiles are you ok?" Scott asked for what must have been the hundredth time.

"Am I ok?" Stiles mimicked sarcastically and stopped when he saw you by your locker. "I got kidnapped, shot at and found out my girlfriend has been hiding the fact that she'd be eligible to join the fricking X-Men. I'm not even sure which of those is worse."

Scott raised his eyebrows as Stiles let out a sad sigh and ruffled his own hair. "Good luck." Scott muttered, patting Stiles' shoulder as he hesitated before walking over to you.

"Hey." Was all you said, having been avoiding him for nearly a week.

"Hey." He replied and Malia, who had been helping you avoid Stiles while relaying messages of encouragement to talk to Stiles from Lydia, started hopping from one foot to the other before bolting.

"Wow. Guess this is really awkward." You muttered and let Stiles lead you down an empty corridor.

"Why didn't you tell me! I mean I feel bad for being so hyped that you were norm... well I assumed you were normal and now that I know I feel like a jerk. But I'm kind of upset you didn't tell me but I understand why." Stiles blurted out and started shuffling awkwardly on the spot.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I'm not really sure how to explain it yet." You admitted and he nodded.

"Is it a new... thing or?" He trailed off and gestured at you as you shrugged.

"Kind of. I mean controlling it fairly new, passed on through the family and no one is sure why not so new." You explained and Stiles' face lit up.

"I could help find out why! I know a guy!" He was bouncing on the balls of your feet when you giggled.

"You're just going to ask Derek to ask Peter aren't you?" You asked and he pulled a face.

"Ok fine I was but you have to admit it's a good starting place!" He huffed and swung his arm around your shoulders, throwing a thumbs up to Scott and Lydia who had been not so subtly watching the two of you.

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