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Stiles Stilinski x Reader

Requested by Anon​

Halloween event

The doors to the library burst open as Stiles hurried into the library. You looked up from your book and watched him start frantically sorting through books on the shelves, knocking them everywhere.

The librarian at a nearby desk cleared her throat and glared at you. Realising she wanted you to stop Stiles from tossing the books around you got up. "Urm. Stiles? What're you doing?" You asked. Stiles looked at you, grabbed you by the shoulders and shook you.

"If I was an evil spell book disguised as a library book, where would I be?" Stiles asked in a feverish tone as his eyes went wide.

"The library?" You said slowly. He rolled his eyes and started searching through the books again.

"Yes, but where! Where in here would an evil spell book be?" Stiles said, no longer listening to you. He only paused when you pointed up at a shelf on the second floor.

"Maybe it's that one that's giving off a weird evil looking glow?" You suggested while pointing up at the second floor of the library. There was a large red and gold leather bound book which, when looked at from the corner of your eye, seemed to create a shadowy vortex.

Stiles dropped the books in his hands and ran towards the stairs, pushing past people to get up them as fast as he could. The librarian looked your way and glared. Deciding that it was better to catch Stiles and calm him down than deal with an angry librarian you ran after Stiles. He was climbing up the bookcase to get to the book by the time you reached him. As he reached he knocked the book down which landed with a smack on the floor. You'd grabbed Stiles' leg to steady him and when you let go your eyes went wide.

"Woah." Stiles muttered. Everything in the library had frozen except you and Stiles.

"This is going to be one of those little problems that turns into a really big problem b the end of the day isn't it?" You said to Stiles as he climbed down and joined you in staring at what the book had done.

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