A Were-What?

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"I'm going to need someone to show (Y/N) around." The teacher finished introducing you and several people's hands shot into the air. "Stilinski."

The boy who had been chosen waved and glanced at the boy next to him, winking as he looked disappointed, grabbing his bag as you trailed after him.

"I'm Stiles and you're (Y/N) right, well you might like it here... it's weird though but..." He trailed off when you stared at him and stayed silent.

"Does everyone always stare?" You asked quietly as the people in the corridor all stared.

"Urm not so much... must be something about you huh?" Stiles smiled and continued to show you around.

"You're sure she isn't like something?" Stiles asked Deaton who was stood between Isaac and Scott.

"All of the obvious things don't match up." He flipped through the last book and braced himself on the metal table. "So you're telling me all the males she's been in contact with her have immediately been taken in or become nervous and sometimes desperate until they've helped her with something?"

"Yeah and Allison couldn't leave until she'd walked (Y/N) home which isn't that weird but she attacked Lydia when Lydia tried to get her to leave before." Scott mumbled.

"So she affects male and females... my suggestion is to keep an eye on it, bring her into the pack so when you do figure it out she'll trust you enough to keep control of it." Deaton suggested.

"That's great and all but we're leaving for a week, the school trip." Isaac pointed out and everyone groaned.

"I can talk to Mom and see if she can get (Y/N) on the list." Lydia offered.

"I'll convince (Y/N) to come." Allison added.

"NO you won't I will." Isaac growled and everyone tensed.

"So what's up with you guys and the full moon?" You asked curiously as you found yourself squished between Isaac and Boyd while Allison, Stiles and Scott crowded behind you.

"Oh it's because were werewolves." Isaac answered and Lydia slapped the back of his head.

"It's a thing we do, meet up on a full moon and party." She explained and you nodded.

The group met up when the bus stopped at the hotel that had been booked, half of the students went with one teacher while the rest of you went with Coach. You didn't notice that everyone was hanging off your every word and even Scott had allowed you to call the shots all night, Lydia tried to point it out when they agreed to your favourite food which, none of them liked.

She frowned when you snuck out in the middle of the night, everyone was piled on Stiles as the full moon washed over them, she poked him awake and they crowded down the stairs and into the bathroom, hurrying when you screamed.

"(Y/N)!" The group chorused and burst into the bathroom, making Lydia groan when they fell and piled onto each other.

"Don't just lay there help me!" You cried and their eyes all trailed down to see a little black cat swishing its tail furiously.

"Werecat... is that a thing?" Stiles asked and they all seemed to recover and go to normal.

"Makes sense we all think she's adorable and she has that kind of catlike agility." Allison summed up.

"I'm not cute I'm a cat!" You yowled.

"Hey it's ok, we'll get your clothes and sneak you up to the room and call someone who can help." Scott mumbled and went to pick you up, jumping back when you hissed.

"I've got it." Lydia sighed and opened her handbag so you could hop in. "Remind me to get a kitty bag before the next full moon."

"This is going to happen again... oh boy and I just thought you guys were super friendly." Your voice came out as a muffled groan but the group chuckled and headed back to ask Deaton what he knew about werecats.

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