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"(Y/N) ... Hey babe you in... you really need to lock all your doors." Stiles' voice pulled you from your dazed staring into the depths of the fridge.

"I'm here." You called out, smiling when you felt his arms wrap around your waist.

"What're you doing there's like nothing in there." Stiles mumbled as he leaned his chin on your shoulder and kissed your cheek.

"I know but I can't be bothered to go all the way to the store." You groaned. He chuckled and glanced to the kitchen sideboard where cash and a shopping list had been set aside for you.

"Well let's go now and I'll make lunch... we can by a dvd at the store." He offered. You nodded and hummed in response, smiling and he greedily kissed your lips before heading out to the drive.

Stiles watched as you rolled your eyes, one of the boys from your English class followed you around the movie section of the store. He knew that you were absolutely in love with him but he still didn't like the fact that guys seemed to gravitate towards you.

"Hey Stiles what about this one?" You asked from the other end of the isle. He slowly wondered up and inspected it, nodding, and dropped it in the basket.

"You know, if you get bored hanging around with Stilinski we could do a movie night." The guy pushed between you and Stiles, putting a hand on your waist.

"Thanks but Stiles is so much more fun than you." You said sweetly. Stiles huffed when the guy clearly didn't get the message.

"Let's go." Stiles mumbled. You nodded and took his hand, paying and following him to the car.

Stiles was silent as he drove home, occasionally he'd mutter sarcastically under his breath and several time you'd heard him quoting the boy from the store in a high pitched voice.

"Stiles, you ok?" You asked, trying to hide the giggle that was forming.

"Yes I'm fine." He snapped. You jumped when he swerved your car over to the side and glared in front of him for a while. "No I'm not why is it that people think they can just hit on you?"

"Stiles... you don't need to be jealous I love you." You murmured as you lent over to kiss him. His smiled and kissed you back gently before pulling away and leaning his forehead in yours as a sigh escaped him.

"But I'm not anything special, now claws, Alpha eyes... I can't even get the Lacrosse ball in the goal every time." Stiles huffed. You kissed him again and slid a hand onto the back of his neck.

"Stiles Stilinski, you are adorable and safe and always reliable, personally I'd rather that than anything else in the world." Your face lit up as your own word made you smile and he couldn't help but grin back.

"But safes boring and adorable isn't hot." Stiles grumbled.

"Stilinski we live in Beacon Hills, normal is a far stretch from boring... it means being able to sleep without being scared all the time and knowing I can trust you with anything." Your eyes met his and you could see that he was no longer jealous or filled with self-doubt, his bottom lip was running through his teeth as he watched you continue to describe the things you liked about him down to the smallest detail.

Before you could react he'd leant across the car gripping your face in his hands and crushed your lips to his. His fingers tangled into your hair and he pulled your head closer to his deepening the kiss as it became heated.

"I love you (Y/N)." He whispered against your lips.

Stiles Stilinski ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now