See Ya Toots

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You'd never been alone before, flocks of Siren's came in threes or fives. But they'd all fled when something bad entered Beacon Hills, not even bothering to get you form school which meant you were sat alone in the empty house.

"Hello little songbird." A voice drawled and a darkness seemed to wrap around you as you turned to see a figure looming in the backdoor.

"You're the thing that made my flock leave." You accused, he nodded, not even bothering to deny it.

"You'll get sick if you're alone." He pointed out, making you grimace when you noted that he had a point. "All you need is salt water, right?"

"Only when I'm living on my own... or..." You started but he interrupted.

"Or living with someone who isn't a siren... do you grow a tail?" He asked making you jump when he gripped you by the waist and lifted you to stand on the coffee table so he could inspect your legs.

"Only on a full moon!" You squeaked and jerked out of his grip.

"So, the rest of the time you're useful?" He asked and you shook your head not knowing what he meant. "You're going to come with me."

"N...No I'm not going with you." You mumbled and hopped off the table to get away from him.

"You need me." He pointed out, watching you reluctantly sigh and give in.

"Boo!" You giggled, humming a tune as you skipped along, sorrow flowing from the people you'd cornered, giving Void the chance to feed.

"Good job Songbird." He smiled as you watched the person closest to you collapse.

"Are we going to play with the Banshee?" You cooed as he caught you by the waist and lifted you into him, kissing you sloppily.

"I was thinking you'd keep the wolves busy while I borrowed her." He smiled until you pouted, rolling his eyes as he pointed for you to hurry off.

You skipped into the McCall later that evening as everyone panicked, they froze when they noticed you sat cross legged on the kitchen table, giggling as you watched them panic.

"Where is she!" Scott yelled and you shrugged, hopping down, walking he back of the sofa as they tried to catch you.

"I don't know where he took her." You announced and hopped onto Peter's back who growled, until you hummed in his ear and soothed him.

"Tell us where he took her and... you can keep Stiles after he is better?" Mellissa offered and you pouted.

"Nope, see ya toots." You poked the end of Scott's nose before hopping down from Peter's back, motioning for him to block the door while you ran away, humming as you left, leaving an emotional destruction behind you as you sang.

Stiles Stilinski ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now