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Warnings/ Key words: hero Stiles, Comforting Stiles, kidnapping, major death of OC parent, emotionally supportive Stiles, super sad ending :(

A sharp pain shot through your head as you pitched forward and hit the ground. Stiles had convinced you to help him break into an abandoned warehouse and somehow you'd gotten split up when three guys came out of nowhere, Scott had been keeping watch which, as you told Stiles repeatedly, was a waste of werewolf abilities.

You attempted to stand but found the room around you spinning as three shadows loomed over you, you half hoped Sheriff Stilinski had caught you guys again, his punishment wouldn't be anything as bad as the mysterious men that worked for the dread doctors.

"Here we got one it's a girl!" Someone yelled from above you. You heard someone else yelling and thundering footsteps followed by a gasp of breath and a thud told you they'd stopped Stiles' rescue attempt.

"She feels like she has powers." Another voice grunted as something cold and metallic was pressed against your temple. You tried to stand but something hard swung at you face and you blacked out before your head hit the concrete.

"You lost (Y/N)!" John yelled as he paced his office. Scott and Stiles stood still, each feeling guilty for letting you get taken, when Stiles went to speak his father shook his head. "She lost her father... you both practically grew up in her house my god, have you explained any of this top her mother?" John yelled again.

"We'll try and find her... Me and Liam can track her scent, Malia can stay with Lydia to help you and Parrish keep them away from her." Scott offered quickly.

"Fine, just... we need to get her home." John hissed as he sat down on his desk. Stiles nodded and hugged his father before following Scott outside.

The boys stopped and lent against Roscoe as they mulled over their options. Both knew that your time was running out and the silent agreement that they'd do anything to get you back was made when your best friends glanced at each other and nodded.

"So you guys found anything?" Stiles asked as Scott set his phone to speaker so that could both hear what Malia, Kira and Lydia had to say.

"Nothing yet, other than scent we've got nothing to go on... also Lydia's passed out." Kira babbled quickly.

The speaker rattled when someone took a loud intake before a head splitting scream sounded, Stiles swerved the car as Scott gripped his hands and began grunting. They heard Lydia sobbing as she calmed down, out of the trio you were the only one that had been close to Lydia before any of this supernatural stuff had started, Stiles used to get so jealous he'd squish your juice box all over you.

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