Precious Thing

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Stiles smiled as you hopped out of the jeep and waved goodbye with a big grin. How you managed to stay so happy and upbeat after everything the pack had gone through was beyond him. But he was grateful for it. He wondered if you know how important you were to them. If you know that the phrase "Hey at least we get to see (Y/N)" Was uttered more often than their own names.

No matter what came to Beacon Hills, all the happy goodness seemed to seep out of you and Stiles was convinced it was how you got on in the crazy town. That nothing bad would even dare come near you for fear of being loved and adored flaws and all.

The next morning you sleepily hurried out to Stiles who handed you your favourite drink and a fruit bowl because he knew you'd forgotten breakfast again.

"Did you study for the test, I fell asleep!" You gasped he smiled fondly.

"Look in my bag, the blue notebook." He offered and slowly pulled away from your drive.

You made it through most of the day without incident but you had been given a new book in your English class and before Stiles could rush to your aid you collided with someone and almost landed on your back as they hurried to catch you.

"Sorry Princess, thought you'd move." They said and chuckled as you stared at the wide eyed and a little dazed.

"Hey!" Stiles yelped and thundered down the corridor.

"Watch where you're going, you've probably concussed her, look at her!" He waved a hand at you and the boy smirked, looking you up and down.

"You don't date a lot do you, that's not a concussion." He hummed in amusement and Theo glanced between the two of you. "Like I said, sorry Princess, Theo by the way."

"(Y/N)." You said in a daze as you turned to watch him walk away and started to blush when he winked at you.

"Come on, let's get you home. You look kind of flushed." Stiles smiled and looped an arm around your waist as he led you toward the Jeep.


"(Y/N), please just listen to me!" Stiles begged and gripped your waist.

"I don't see what's so bad about him Stiles." You frowned and his brown eyes widened a you looked over his shoulder to Theo's locker where the boy was laughing with a small group.

"Trust me he's not good news." Stiles insisted and you rolled your eyes as he squished your face in his hands in an attempt to make you laugh like you usually would.

"Maybe I just want a normal friend." You said through a sih as you pulled his hands away.

"He's not normal and that one I can get Scott to agree on." Stiles said as he almost pouted before reluctantly let you go.

"Stiles, stop it you're just being mean!" You insisted as Theo pulled up and hopped out of his truck.

"Sorry i'm late." He hummed and rubbed the back of his neck, smirking at Stiles when you ran to loop your arms around his neck.

"It's ok, you're not that late." You insisted which made him smile as Theo muttered for you to get in the truck for your date.

Once you were gone the warm boyish charm melted away. There was a look in his eyes that had Theo on edge. The kind of way a wild animal stares down an invading enemy, like Stiles had stepped into Theo's territory and threatened everything he had.

"She won't fall for it Theo, she'll figure out that you're a bad person." Stiles warned and glanced over to the truck.

"She has, she will... you don't see the flaws when you're in love." Theo's point hit home when he thought over the little things others thought were your flaws that he had never once seen as flaws.

"I'll make her realise what you're doing, what you##ve done." Stiles insisted but Theo let out a low chuckle.

"If you do that it will push you apart and then i'll have an excuse to get rid of you." He chuckled when Stiles' eyes widened as Theo's words sank in. "Relax stilinski I won't hurt you anymore, she's still in love with you, just not as much as she is with me"

Stiles watched as Theo turned and headed to the truck, muttering to you as he pulled away. His legs gave out as he lost sight of you and his head fell into his hands as he started to sob. Scott found him hours later, panicked due to Stiles' sudden disappearance. Stiles was soaked through from the rain and several worried passersby had stopped to ask Scott if they needed help.

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