Stiles' Beta (Part Two)

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"I marked her but now Theo is all over her and I'm not even sure if she understands what the mark means." Stiles ranted to Lydia.

"Stiles eyes." She sighed and glanced over to where you and Theo were sat studying.

"Thanks... I'm just saying we're moving back to Beacon Hills which means even more competition and what if someone bites her and remarks her?" Stiles sighed as the bus finally came to a stop and he was met with the sight of his Dad leaning against the Jeep.

"Hello you two, all the stuff arrived ok so the house just needs the pair of you." He greeted while you waved to Theo and Lydia who headed off to meet Scott.

"Great, we can head right over?" Stiles asked and grabbed the keys from his Dad, smiling as they caught up while you climbed into the back of the Jeep.

When Stiles finally stopped the Jeep you'd reached a large house that backed onto the woods. He informed you that there was a large basement for 'wolf problems' and enough room for the pack to grow comfortably.

What he didn't tell you is that he'd only manage to get one bed and he wouldn't be able to get another for a while. This meant that unlike back at college you would have to spent the nights sleeping next to your alpha.

"So you like Theo?" He asked as he flopped onto the bed, taking a mental not to buy more light bulbs as you both lay in semi darkness.

"Not really, he's more interesting than Lydia." You sighed which had Stiles chuckling as he looked over at you.

"She's very interesting." He insisted which made you crinkle your nose and shake your head as you rolled your eyes.

"Just because you want to bend her over a table doesn't make her interesting." You muttered and Stiles shot up when he realised that there was a distinct jealous tone in your voice.

"You want me to bend you over a table... we'd have to buy one first but I mean if you wanted." He offered which made you laugh.

"What ever nerd." You sighed and covered your eyes with your arms. You looked back at him when a growl rumbled through the room and when your eyes met his were glowing red which had you whimpering submissive, the bite on your neck tingling.

"You need to be more respectful." Stiles warned which made you swallow as you nodded.

"Yes." You muttered until he cocked his head and still looked unimpressed. "Yes... Alpha?"

"Take your shirt off." He muttered while looping his fingers into your shorts, glancing up to check if you were ok with him stripping you down.

He smiled when you nodded, eyes flashing as he kissed down your thighs, letting the shorts drop to the floor, before kissing back up and planting a last kiss through your damp panties.

He started a pattern. Kissing up to your neck then down, his tongue teasing your breasts and any skin he could reach as he gently rubbed your clit until your panties were soaked.

He groaned when his jeans grew tight and held your gaze as he stripped down, smirking when you sucked on your bottom lip to stop the moan escaping you as his hard on sprang free.

By the time he grew impatient enough to rip off your panties he was hard, precome dripping from the head of his cock as he pulled your legs around his waist.

"You're mine Princess." He growled in your ear, nipping at your earlobe as he rested his elbows either side of you. "So do you belong to Theo?"

"No." You answered quickly which was rewarded by a sharp thrust and a groan from Stiles as he waited for you to adjust to his size.

He continued his movements but this time they remained slow, dragging his body against yours as he hummed while pressing sloppy kisses to your neck. "What about Scott, you belong to him?"

"No... Alpha." You whimpered but your voice lifted to a moan as he rewarded your answer with another hard thrust.

"Such a good girl when you want to be." He mumbled as he nipped at the skin just below your ear, smiling into the kiss he pressed there when a groan caught in your throat.

Stiles stayed relatively quiet after that, the only sounds he made were soft grunts and gentle encouragements as he slowly moved on leg over his shoulder, gripping your hips as he fucked into you so hard the plasterboard started to crack with each of his thrusts and smack of the headboard.

"Come on Princess I Know you're close, I need you to cum for me." He growled his voice almost lost in animalistic need. Your fingers dug into his back while he used one to brace himself on the headboard.

Your orgasm washed over you and forced your body to arch up against Stiles whose grip on the headboard caused the whole thing to crack down the middle and a huge chunk to come away in his hand as he let a snarl ripped from his chest.

"It's a shame." He muttered as he peppered you with kisses and pulled a few splinters from your hair. Watching you in awe as you recovered he almost forgot what he was saying. "All your hard work marking me will be gone in a few hours... guess we'll just have to do this more often." He winked at you and chuckled when all he received was a moan before laying next to you and tracing patterns on your skin.

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