Don't Forget Me (Part Seven)

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"My daughter is gone Scott!" Lydia yelled as Parrish finished inspecting your room with him.

"We'll get her back." Scott promised.

"Like you got Stiles, Derek and Danny back?" She snapped and Scott's whole body jerked like she'd hit him. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine, but we will find her." Scott insisted.

"What happens to them while they're gone?" Lydia sighed and Scott rubbed her shoulder.

"I don't know, ask Stiles when we get him back." Scott suggested which made her smile.

"It makes you wonder how many other people we forgot." Parrish muttered as he left.

"We've been here for days and I'm not even hungry." You sighed, confused by the fact that only felt a little tired.

"You're not in your body, this place is part of our minds kind of at the point between mentality and reality." Stiles told you.

"So our bodies are still out there." You gestured and waved your hands.

"Which brings up the point as to where it is that Scott and his and his pack of pups haven't searched." Peter snapped as he eyed the horseman that was now circling Lydia's memories.

He'd been doing it since Stiles pulled you away and none of you dared try and break through them again. You slowly began to fall asleep, feeling Stiles move so you could lean against him.

"Stiles if she has a way of getting back out you have to let her go..." Derek muttered.

"For all we know years have passed since she's been here." Stiles countered.

"Stiles Lydia will come looking for her." Was the last thing you heard them say as you fell asleep.

"Where's my daughter?" Kira screeched as she burst into Lydia's house and rounded the table until she was glowering at Scott.

"What do you mean where is she?" Scott sighed.

"She was in her room and she stole the blade, I told her to stay put and then she was gone." Kora snapped.

"(Y/N) told her everything from the start, Scott (Y/N) is just like Stiles and she's just like you so it makes sense that one goes missing the other goes looking for them." Lydia said quickly.

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