A Chance Missed (Part Two)

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"How can you all be ok with this?" Stiles snapped as he sat in the driver's seat of the car.

"They're very nice and getting along with them will make it easier for Jackson in the long run." Scott pointed out.

"Not that! Her, (Y/N) she's dating a Mikaelson! That's worse than Peter for those of use who weren't keeping score." Stiles snapped and glared at Scott who rolled his eyes.

"She can date whoever she wants. It's none of my business anymore, she lives in New Orleans now, even if she still lived in Beacon Hills I could only voice any issues I had with him." Scott explained firmly. He was getting tired of Stiles complaining about the situation. It was his fault. He needed to accept it.

"She's just doing this to get to me." Stiles said decisively.

"No she isn't! She's moved on because you're a cheating jerk and the only reason half of us forgave you is because (Y/N) forgave you." Malia growled out from the back of the jeep. "Now let's go inside. I want to see this Rousseau's bar (Y/N) was talking about." Malia climbed out of the car and stomped off.

"Stiles you need to get over (Y/N), you cheated on her, for months and she left you. That isn't on (Y/N) at all. Besides, the pacts here and tenuous at best and I don't want to go back home with an original Hybrid after us. If you can't come with us without causing a scene then don't..." Scott trailed off when he realised Stiles was staring out of the window with a glazed, far off look.

You were walking past with Lydia and Rebekah, heading towards the bar. Liam and Theo weren't far behind. Scott sighed and shook his head. He just hoped Stiles could get it through his head before he upset Klaus.


"How are you enjoying our guests?" Klaus asked Kol. Kol had taken up a seat at the bar, hoping to avoid the new comers.

"They're... different. The strawberry blond one... whats her name?" Kol gestured towards Lydia who was dancing with you.

"Lydia Martin." Klaus informed him and Kol snapped his fingers.

"She was irritating at first, asking a lot of questions, writing notes. Did you know these hybrid descendants of yours have no direct elders, very little history they can collect. Two elder bloodlines in one town. Doesn't seem right." Kol's tone changed from sympathetic.

"I assume you took it upon yourself to fill in some blanks?" Klaus asked hopefully.

"Of course. We can't have this Sebastien Valet taking credit for too much of our work. Though bearing about that particular monster, makes me glad we don't have to deal with him." Kol admitted.

"Well, thank you, for quelling her curiosity, she's good friends with (Y/N). One key point she keeps reminding me of, if that now matter how unconditional her love may appear, the one and only condition is peace between us and the McCall pack."

"You know brother, you used to be the most feared monster out there, now you bask in the flight of a human woman."

"As if you don't do the same when it comes to Davina."

"That is true. I just didn't think you would be capable to patience. It is almost admerale brother." Kol downed his drink and frowned looking over at the corner of the dance floor. "What is that one called. He never looks happy."

"That would be Stiles." Klaus said quickly. There was a moment of awkwardness that hung in the air before Kol spoke.

"Ah, yes, that one. I would ask if you are worried about them but apparently (Y/N) doesn't want to talk to him, he's part of the pack so she will forgive him to a point but no more. At least the Banshee said so. It's rather thrilling to be wrapped up in these young dramas again isn't it. Reminds me of Mystic Falls."

"I am not worried. He broke her heart, but my city meant it. I get to love her. What more could anyone want?" Klaus said as he grinned, you looked his way and waved him over, insisting that he fulfilled his promise of dancing once, while the wolves were visiting.

"I could ask for less werewolves, we have enough already." Kol grumbled as he watched his brother with amusement. Trust you to be able to lure out some softness from Klaus.

"Well they're not going anywhere and I hate to break it to you, Malia and the fox, are tempted to stay with (Y/N). So urm. How about some some Chimera whiskey. It'll kill a human and keel a wolf over with a deadly hangover." Theo said as he took a seat at the bar with his smaller wolf friend. The boy nervously looked over at Kol who smiled and motioned for some shot glasses while Theo produced a Jam jar of clear liquid that burned Kols' nostrils when it was opened.

"Just don't tell our alpha we have any." The small wolf promised.

"Never! I'm Kol."

"I'm Liam." Liam said cheerfully, seeming to conquer his fear of Kol but his suspicious frown stayed firmly planted across his face.

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