Under attack

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Stiles Stilinski x Fem!Reader

Requested by Anon​

Halloween event

Warnings: reader attacked, reader drugged, mentions of drugging, blood

When his phone started ringing, Stiles fumbled in his pocket as he watched the ambulance pull away. Lydia was talking with Parrish about the scene when she'd come across it.

"Yes?" Stiles said quickly. He hadn't checked who called but he knew it was you the minute you spoke.

"Stiles?" You said quietly.

"What's happened?" He asked. Your voice was quiet and fragile.

"Can you come over? I don't know what happened. I woke up covered in blood." You muttered. Stiles sighed and glanced at Lydia. She frowned over at him as she tried to gauge if he was upset or just stressed.

"Fine I'll come over but if you've killed someone you're digging the grave yourself." He said. He'd meant it to be a joke but you hung up on him immediately. Motioning to Lydia that he had to go she gave him a thumbs up and pointed to Parrish's car to indicate she'd get a lift home from him. Stiles nodded and hurried to his car. The Jeep crunched and groaned as he sped through town. He jerked the gearbox and twice he managed to stall the car.

He pulled up on your drive and let himself in. There was blood everywhere. A lot of blood. He started to panic immediately.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" He yelled frantically. He hurried through the house, trying his best to avoid stepping in the blood and spreading it further. He found you huddled in a corner of the kitchen. You were covered in blood too.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I don't know. I went to bed and woke up down here with blood everywhere." You insisted. Stiles nodded and reached for his phone.

"I have to call my dad but it'll be ok." He promised. You didn't acknowledge him. Phoning him seemed to be as much as you could handle. You were practically catatonic when Melissa and his dad showed up. She looked you over while Stiles' dad tried to find some kind of evidence that he could dismiss you as a suspect for whatever had happened while Stiles fidgeted at the sidelines.

"Oh god." Melissa said quietly. She called Stiles' dad over and showed him something in your hairline. His face turned grim, losing all of its colour.

"This is Sheriff Stilinski. I'm going to need a crime scene team out here asap. We had another break-in. Send an ambulance... There are signs of drugging like Parrish's scene. Be advised that the house you're coming to belongs to a person who has consulted with us in the past." He said as he stood up. Stiles didn't say anything. He didn't even fidget. He stayed perfectly still as Melissa said he could take your hand. He didn't let go. Even when they loaded you into an ambulance. He sat next to your bed as blood was drawn and people came to interview you. Even when Lydia, Malia, and Scott showed up he wouldn't budge.

"I knew I should have picked you up on the way. If Lydia hadn't been so freaked out. It's probably why isn't it?" Stiles said quietly as Scott came to sit next to him.

"Your dad says that the evidence is all in and it looks as if whatever did it was trying to frame (Y/N). There are claw marks on one of the windows in the basement. It's how it got in." Scott said as if trying to be soothing. Stiles reached out and squeezed your hand. You'd started to doze off, feeling tired.

"What if it's not just framing? What if it was a warning? A threat? They got right in the house. Besides, What kind of clawed monster needs to use a sedative to knock out its victims?" Stiles muttered.

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