Size Doesn't Matter When You Say I Love You

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You sighed and tugged at your clothes. No matter how hard you tried you couldn't get the outfit right, for a moment you wondered if you looked prettier Stiles might notice you for something other than his best friends little sister.

"(Y/N) come on you're going to make us late!" Scott yelled up the stairs.

"Coming." You yelled back, grabbing your bag and hurtling down the stairs.

"Hey (Y/N)." Stiles muttered as you began hurriedly shoving your shoes on.

"H... hey Stiles." You mumble back, glowering at Scott when he frowned and tilted his head, listening to your heart beat.

"Hey Girl McCall what's up?" Isaac asked as he found you sat alone, brooding and glaring at your lunch.

"I'm not pretty." You huffed.

"Sure you are, you're adorable." Isaac pinched your cheek and you batted his hand away, hateful tears prickling your eyes.

"I don't want to be adorable, I want to be as beautiful as Lydia so Stiles will fall madly in love with me... but it's just a stupid idea." You huffed, sniffling in an attempt to stop yourself from bursting into tears.

"(Y/N) ...?" Stiles had been behind you the whole time and went to stop you from crying but you grabbed your things and ran off, hurrying to hide in the girl's toilets.

"Stilinski!" Coach bellowed.

"Coach, sir hey how are you?" Stiles' blabbering could be heard through the toilet doors.

"Why aren't you in class?" Coach snapped.

"I am in class..." Stiles' voice sounded unsure and you heard a muttered grumble and you guessed Coach had dragged Stiles off.

When you opened the door however, Stiles fell into you and landed flat on his face, quickly jumping up onto his feet and grinning at you.

"If you're going to make fun of me tell Scott, he can add it to the list of torments he's planning." You sighed.

"You know that you're beautiful right?" Stiles called after you, making you stop dead and turn around. "Size doesn't matter when you say I love you and if it does you're with the wrong guy."

"Stop trying to make me feel better it won't work." You mumbled quietly.

"I'm being serious." Stiles chuckled. "Lydia's not the prettiest girl in the world."

"No I bet Allison is." You sighed.

"Will you let me compliment you instead of being so hard on yourself?" Stiles asked. "You're beautiful please don't change yourself to be like someone else because you don't think I'll like you... I already love you."

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