Stilinski & (Y/L/N)

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You sat in the middle, row of seats alone, hoping no one would talk to you or ask you to many questions. You felt out of place. You even thought your clothes were out of place despite being exactly the same as everyone else's.

Just when you were ready to sink down into your chair and wallow in the anxious feeling that spiralled through your stomach a flail of limbs and squeaking shoes burst into the room. "Sorry i'm late." He muttered.

Stiles Stilinski, the awkward nerdy guy who you'd met once four or five years ago at a party your cousin threw. He didn't remember you. You didn't have the nerve to find your voice and remind him. So he would just awkwardly sit next to you.

You'd been paired to bring out the lacking qualities in each other. Basically the leader of your training wanted you to shut Stiles up and start talking yourself. A terrible plan on their part but it could be worse so you didn't complain.

"Stilinski, (Y/L/N)!" Your lead bellowed and you actually jumped. "You're somehow the top scoring group in the whole squad so you're...being sent over to the BAU on request of, some tech girl." The leader looked irritated when Stiles threw his hands in the air and high fived you.

"So we're like part of the BAU?" He asked and pulled a face when he received a glare.

"You're there on probation, the two of you screw up they send you back." With that you were both dismissed to pack a bag for your first case.

"This is going to be so cool, have you heard of their cases! I didn't think i'd ever be working with them, means I can't move around but where I lived kind of sucks." Stiles sucked in a huge breath as if he'd forgotten to breath between the words he'd spoken.

"I know Beacon Hills." You mumbled so quietly it was a wonder he'd heard you.

"You know where I live?" He gave you a dubious look as you reached the accommodation rooms and you hurried to yours.

"You went to school with my cousin." You muttered and stared at your feet.

"I did?" He asked and you nodded as he followed you to your room. "Who was it, you don't look like anyone I know?"

"Greenberg... He was on the Lacrosse team." You blushed when he burst into laughter and headed to his dorm.

He popped back a while later and frowned when you tossed out all your things, your hands were shaking and you were talking to yourself under your breath. "They should give you a check list that way you can't get it wrong!" You sighed and jumped when you realised Stiles was looking at you like you were a nutter.

"Do you want some help?" He offered kindly. When you shook your head he shrugged. "Do you want to look at what I packed?"

When you didn't answer he dumped his bag on your bed and opened it for you. He seemed to calm immediately and talk you through his thought process for what he had in his bag which helped you neatly pack your own bag.

"I'm sorry." You mumbled quietly as you locked your room and you both headed down to the desk to leave the spare keys at the reception.

"It's fine, we all get nervous... I mean Greenberg, gets so nervous he drops the ball." Stiles chuckled when you smiled and you were escorted to a large SUV outside.


"Can you believe we're about to go into the bullpen!" Stiles had been chattering non stop and seemed to have reverted back to bouncing and flailing with excitement.

Stiles Stilinski ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now