Chapter 3 - Reunited

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"Sharon?!" The colective question startle you and Mina
You break off the hug and then look at Mina still holding on to her shoulders she looks at you with gleeful eyes

Y/n- I cant believe I didnt notice it before, its been so long Sharon. I missed you

Mn- I know Oppa, I havent seen you since I last came to America before I was even an Idol. I missed you too

She goes in for another embrace
You inhale the scent of her hair and kiss the top of her head
All this while the members were looking at the two of you, they still had a look of confution in their face.

Ny- This is sweet and all, but what the hell is going on?

Jihyo shushes and glares at the fake Maknae
Mina breaks off the hug and looks at you with beads of tears starting to form in her eyes

Mn- Im sorry for what happened Oppa

Y/n- Its okay Sharon, Im here now

You look at her with a warm smile

Jh- Hey guys?

Both of you look at Jihyo

Jh- I know you have this heartwarming moment but as Nayeon said, what is going on?

She says with a calm voice

Jy- Yeah, like how the heck do you guys know each other

All the girls nod collectively
You and Mina look at each other

Y/n- Would you mind telling them?

Mn- Sure Oppa let me

Mina says with a smile, she then takes your hand and you both walk to the sofa.
You and Mina take a seat and the girls gather around you inluding Sadness but Sana was saddly still laying in bed
Mina holds your hand and clears her throat

Mn- Ehem... so

Mina looks at you and you smile at her squeezing her hand

Mn- Me and Y/n here know each other  because of Kai

Jh- Your brother?

Mn- Yep. They played football together late in their high school years, they would often hang out at my parents place to play video games. My brother and his friends never let me join, but Y/n always made sure that I was never not included. When my brother and his friends would play in the backyard he would stay behind and play video games with me, after that we got close with each other. He treated me like I was his little sister and not the little sister of his friend. He would also bring over his niece who was a fan of EXO so we also got close...

The girls make an 'Oh' face realizing that you werent lying about you having a niece

Mn- Luckily both of them could speak Korean, they were also the reason that I was able to learn Korean quickly, me his niece and him were like a quirky little bunch, we would hang out all the time and play video games and listen to Kpop, it was an amazing time for me, having a close group of friends like that... it was really special

Mina smiles and then looks down you were starting to hear her sniffle and start to get teary eyed. Her hands were now squeezing yours tight. You caress her arm with your other free hand and she begins to calm down.
You pull her close and put her in a emberace
You then look at the girls

Y/n- W...We were hanging out one day and

Mina digs her head into your chest, it was feeling a bit wet now from her diamond tears

******Flashback a few years ago*****

You, Your niece and Mina were playing video games in their living room after your practice match with Kai and the rest of the football team. It was now night time and their parents were already asleep. Your niece wasnt that much younger than you surprisingly so she clicks with Mina very well.

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