Chapter 24 - Familiar

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2 weeks later.

It has been a couple of busy weeks, preparations for the upcoming come back has been at a full swing.

You have spent more time at the company than you do at home, editing and writing songs along with other producers. You see the girls less often unless you see them back at home for a few hours or when they are recording some lines for their parts of the song.

You are currently in one recording studio where you basically lived now. You shower, eat, and even sometimes sleep at the company now.

Y/n- Okay, that's good, sweetie. Come out

Tzuyu gives you the okay sign and places her headphones on the booth and steps out.

Tz- How did I do?

She says as she walks behind you and places her arms on your shoulders.

Y/n- You were excelent

You say, slightly looking up, getting a kiss on the cheek from Tzuyu

Tz- I'm the last one today, right?

Y/n- Yep

Tz- Do you want to grab something to eat?

Y/n- I still have a lot of stuff to do, sweetie

Tz- But, Oppaaaa

She says whining in your shoulder

Tz- I haven't been with you in so long

Y/n- I understand, but we both have stuff to do

Tz- At least I'm making time for you. There you go again, you're making me feel like you don't want to be with me

Y/n- Hey, now

You turn your chair and pull Tzuyu to straddle your lap, both your hands on each of her thighs.

Y/n- Tzu, look at me

The cute girl just pouts and looks at the floor. You grab both her cheeks and pull her softly to look at you

Y/n- I just have stuff to do, and I'm pretty sure you still have rehearsals right?

Tzuyu nods as she finally looks at you

Y/n- We just don't have time, but if I'm to choose, of course I'd want to be with you

Tz- I know, Oppa. But can't you spare me an hour? Just so we can eat? You've been cooped up here since this morning, you need to take a break too

The girl smiles cutely, almost instantly breaking your barrier.

Y/n- *Sigh* Fine. Where are the others?

Tz- I think some are still rehearsing, but most have already gone home

Y/n- I'll go grab them so we can eat together...

You say trying to get her off you but she hesitates and brings her head down on your shoulder, pinning you to your chair.

Y/n- What?

Tz- Can't we just eat together? Just the two of us

Y/n- The other girls might be hungry too

Tzuyu starts fake crying.

Y/n- *Sigh* Arasso, wait for me here, I'll get us some food

Tzuyu giggles as she pulls up and gives you a quick kiss. She gets off you and you stand up. She takes your seat as you head to the door.

Y/n- Ramen?

The girl nods as you leave her in the studio. You then head to the cafeteria and meet Kang along the way.

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