Chapter 14 - Back to work

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You wake up hearing some ruffling and feeling some movement
Someone crawls on top of you while Dahyun was still sleeping on your arm
You open your eyes slightly to see who it was

Y/n- Eh?

Tz- Goodmorning Oppa

She nuzzles her head on your chest

Y/n- What time is it?

You say in a raspy morning voice while rubbing your eyes with your hand

Tz- Its 5 in the morning

Y/n- Aint it a little bit too early?

You close your eyes and try to fall back to sleep

Tz- Wake up Oppa

She shakes her body on you
You immideatley grab her ass to stop her moving

Y/n- You'll wake Dahyun up

You give her ass a squeeze

Tz- Then get up already

Y/n- Tsk. Whats got you up so early anyways?

Tz- I woke up for a pee but I couldnt go back to sleep after

Y/n- So? What do you want me to do?

Tz- Get up and help me make breakfast

Y/n- Just try and go back to sleep on top of me

You give her ass a light tap
Tzuyu then pulls your head to make you look at her
She slowly leans in for a kiss
Her soft warm lips pressing against yours
Her tounge quickly making its presence felt as it enters your mouth licking and circling around you as if trying to memorize your mouths pattern
You moan through your nose as Tzuyu feels your warm breath hit her face
She stops kissing you as she chuckles
Tzuyu then pulls away and licks the remaining saliva off her lips

Tz- Help me make breakfast?

You drop your head on the pillow and huff

Y/n- Fine. I dont know how im gonna get Dahyun off though

Tz- Just pull your arm, with the amount she drank last night she'll most likely sleep until noon

You then look at Dahyun beside you, her mouth slightly opened and drool going down the side of her face earning a chuckle from you and Tzuyu

Y/n- Does she often drink?

Tz- Not at all, she's a light drinker

Y/n- Yeah it figures

You tap Tzuyu's wide, soft ass and she gets up
You then slowly pull your hand from Dahyuns back and luckily she didnt wake up
You slowly stand from the bed to not wake Chaeyoung up
You turn back to the bed and see Dahyun still in deep sleep
You lean down and give her a kiss on her forehead before Tzuyu takes your hand and you both tip toe out of the room, silently closing the door behind you
You two make it downstairs and head to the kitchen
You open the fridge and Tzuyu peaks over your shoulder

Y/n- Hmm... Kimbap?

Tz- Sure

She says brightly as you start to take out the ingridients and hand it to her
She then takes each one and places them on the counter
You go to one of the high cupboards and grab a small bag of rice

Y/n- Jagi can you wash these for me?

You say as you offer the bag to her
You look back and see Tzuyu staring at you with her face beat red

Y/n- Tzu?

Tz- Huh? Oh, O

She shakes her head then grabs the bag from your hand then walks to the sink and proceeds to wash the rice in a bowl

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