Chapter 31 - Surprises

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You were currently in the kitchen making some kimchi on the kitchen Island.

Momo was in front of you, between your arms, watching as you mix the ingredients.

Mina had a first aid kit on the counter as well and was cleaning up the wound you had on your cheek.

Mn- How hard was it not to get into a fight?

She asks sacrastically while you flinch as she wiped your wound.

Y/n- It was selfe defense, can you imagine not being able to speak their language and being tossed into that prison

Mm- Yeah, Mina. It's not Y/n's fault

Mn- Yeah, keep siding with him. Works well with his ego

Momo pouts as she continues to watch you make kimchi.

Y/n- Yah, seriously, I didn't start any of the fights that I was in. There was just  a language barrier so I doubt they understood me

Mn- Whatever

Mina rolls her eyes as she places a bandage over some of your scars.

Mn- Tsk. That scar by your nose is too deep for a bandage. Get dressed after this and I'll take you to the hospital

Y/n- There's no need, it isn't that bad. It doesn't even hurt anymore

You say with a smile to Mina, but Momo feels something different. She feels something drip onto her forehead.

Momo looks up and sees that some blood was coming from the scar on your nose.

Mm- Oppa!

Momo gasps and turns around to face you. Mina instantly grabs some cotton and presses it against your nose. She grabs some tape and tapes it on you. It wasn't the best, but it was honest work.

Y/n- Thank you, now I'll look like rudolph

Mn- Shut up. Get dressed after this and call for me, I'll just get dressed too

Mina says as she cleans up the first aid kit.

Momo was looking directly at you, holding your face in her hands as she looks at your scars.

Y/n- Oh, wait

Mina turns around.

You then grab some kimchi and offer her some from your hand.

She just rolls her eyes and comes forward to eat it. She chews for a little while as you and Momo watch her.

Mm- Well?

Mn- Meh. It's not terrible

Mina says nonchalantly as she walks away.

Momo turns to you and sees the dissapointment in your face.

Mm- Don't listen to her, Oppa. She doesn't know what good food is

Momo was consoling you while you pouted at her. Momo then glares at Mina.

Mm- She doesn't know what good food is if it hit her right across the face. But you know what good food is, right Oppa?

You nod.

Mm- Want to get something to eat?

You just nod still with a pout.

Momo smirks and then turns around, backing her ass up against you.

Mm- Go ahead and get your meal, Oppa

You sink to your knees and sink your face in between her ass cheeks that were only covered in her sweatpants. You inhale her intoxicating scent, and like always, she keeps her ass clean for you.

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