Chapter 38 - Finding the way back

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A few days later.

You and Sana were currently inside a clinic.

Sana was laying on a table while the two of you looked at a monitor, seeing baby growing as healthy as ever.

With held hands, you both express your emotions and share a small kiss.

Sn- Look at that, Oppa. Baby is so healthy!

She says with sparkles in her eyes.

Y/n- Krae. It's all thanks to you. Baby has such a strong mother

Sn- Oh? But I think Baby's Daddy takes good care of us, that's why

You chuckle at Sana and then lean down to give her another kiss.

"Congratulations, Your baby is growing perfectly"

The doctor says with a smile to the two of you.

Y/n- Arigatto

Sana nods repeatedly.

Sn- Arigatto

Then, the doctor unstrapped Sana from the machine and then you help her stand up, buttoning up her short for her.

Y/n- Doctor, is there still no baby bump?

The doctor chuckles at you lowly.

"There will be no baby bump until later on in her second Tri-mester, so you have nothing to worry about. Your wife and your baby are completely fine"

You nod, smiling at the doctor.

"Now, I'll be giving her some new vitamins now, so just make sure she takes them once a day, okay?"

Y/n- Hai

The doctor walks to their table and then writes Sana's medicine down on a piece of paper.

The doctor hands it to you, and then you bow deeply to them.

You and Sana leave the clinic after thanking the doctor.

Y/n- So, where do you want to go next?

Sana humms in delight, wrapping her arms around yours as you both walk to your car.

Sn- We need some more laundry detergent, and a bunch more other stuff

Sana leads on.

Y/n- So... groceries?

Sn- Mhm!

She smiles brightly at you, finally making it back to your car.

You chuckle at Sana and then open the car door for her, her getting inside.

You then also get inside where you strap on both your seat belts.

Y/n- You want to get something to eat first?

Sn- Your treat?

You roll your eyes, causing Sana to giggle.

Y/n- When is it not?

She laughs at you, hitting your shoulder.

Sn- Come on, with the money you're making? You should even be taking me shopping

She says matter of factly.

You look at her, crooking your brow. Her eyes were sparkling as she looked at you, her hands on her chin.

Sn- Would a "please" do?

She smiles even more, her cheeks being puffier than ever.

You sigh, grabbing your phone from your pocket. You then make a call.

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