Chapter 43 - The once Polaris

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You were awake.

Though your eyes were still closed, most of your body feeling numb.

The only thing you heard was the constant beeping of machines that were around you.

You were awake for quite some time until you were finally able to find enough strength to be able to open your eyes.

You do so, slowly.

Everything was blurry at the start, having to open and close your eyes a few times before finally getting a clear view.

You were laying in a bed inside of a white hospital room, your hands strapped and hooked up with Iv bags.

Your mind was still in disaray, having little to no memory of what happened after the car crash.

You then look around, seeing a mostly empty room, though by the sofa at the corner, you see two figures sleeping.

Then, you look to your bedside, seeing a raven haired girl sleeping while sitting down, her head on the bed.

You didn't need to be told anything to know who it was.

Y/n- Mina...?

You raise your hand and place it on top of her head.

She stirs for a bit and grunts, but ultimately slowly raises her head.

She was still groggy and half asleep as she looks at you.

She opens and closes her eyes a few times, trying to get a grasp of reality.

But reality did not decieve her. You were awake.

Mn- Oh, my god... Y/n

Y/n- Hey

She was staring at you, as if she almost lost you. Which she almost did.

Mn- Hey

Mina instantly got up and leaned over to give you a hug as carefuly as she possibly could, not wanting to further your injuries.

You smile, raising your arm and placing it over her.

You kiss the side of her head and feel warmth as you smell Mina once again.

Suddenly, you hear Mina crying on your shoulder.

But you couldn't bare to pull away, and instead just let her cry on your shoulder as you both hug each other tighter.

As this was going on, the two figures on the couch also started waking up.

They both sit up, still drowsy, but was able to make enough sense to see what was happening.

Ny- Y/n?

Jy- Y/n, oh my god

Both girls immediately stand up and head to your bed, while you and Mina still hugged each other.

Nayeon and Jeongyeon's smile could not be described, though their eyes were wet and glistening of sparkling tears.

After a few minutes, you and Mina finally pull away from the hug and softly smile at each other as you reach out a hand and clear the tears from her eyes.

Mn- I thought I lost you

She says, grabbing your hand and kissing your palm. She closes her eyes and relishes in the feeling of your warm touch.

Y/n- Yah, didn't I already tell you that you never will?

Mina smiles once again, though she was paining to see you like this.

One of your eyes had a black eye, you had a wound on your forehead, suffered a broken nose, your arm was dislocated, but was luckily put back into place, and one of your legs was sprained.

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