Chapter 20 - You're my Holiday

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You were all in the living room laughing your asses off.

It would seem that you and everyone of them has brought home a christmas tree

Y/n- Oh my god girls haha

You clear the drop of tear from your eyes

Jy- This is so fucking adorable haha

Jeongyeon walks up to you and grabs the christmas tree in your hands. Nayeon helps her setting it up beside the other four that were already lined up.

You all look at the five christmas trees lined up. The contagious laugher earlier was now filled with silence. A good kind of silence though, you were at peace with the girls as you all glanced at this seemingly simple set up of festive decorations. You all had smiles on your faces.

Dahyun walks up to you and places her back to you. You instinctively place an arm around her waist and pull her closer

Jh- Turn it on Momo

Momo walks to the trees and presses a button.

The living room lights up. It was beautiful. It was messy and it was clear that it was rushed, having said that, it was still beautiful. Christmas lights were hung high up and across a couple of the trees. They were simple christmas lights and were only one color, that made it all the more beautiful.

You were all just looking around the room with smiles on your faces. Mina walks over and holds your free hand. You glance at her but she too was looking at the lights around the room

Ny- It's been so long since we did this

Jy- I know. We should have never stopped doing it in the first place

Sn- It's so pretty

She places her hands on her chin with her eyes sparkling

Jh- Lucky that Y/n made us do it huh?

They all look at each other and nod. They look at you but you were still looking up with a small curve on your lips, just enjoying the view. The girls smile at you, just seeing you seem so happy made them glad that they proceeded with this.

Mn- So...

She starts to swing both your arms making you look at her

Mn- You like it?

Y/n- I love it

You once again look at the christmas trees

Y/n- Was this supposed to be a surprise?

Jh- Well it was?

"Surprise..." "Surprpeme" "Surprise" "*Inaudible*"

This made you release a soft chuckle at the girls.

Y/n- Thank you. All of you

You smile at them as they return it. You take Mina's hand and give the back of her hand a kiss. You also give the top of Dahyun's head a kiss

Ny- Now. Shall we get the party started?

Y/n- You bet your ass we will

You raise your hand carrying a bag filled with alcohol that you and Mina picked up on the way home

Jy- Sana, Momo, let's get the sofa's

Jh- Nayeon come with me, let's get the snacks

Mina releases your arm making you once again look at her

Mn- I am gonna go freshen up

Y/n- Sure Mina. You did well today, I'm so proud of you

You pull her in and kiss her forehead.

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