Chapter 34 - Minor Complication

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(A/n- Was able to write out 50k words for this one. I thought about making it a two parter again, but it would have been too short if I did split it. So instead, here's a whole freaking movie's worth

Ps: Was able to make a dis. server, it's on my wall, so feel free to check it out)

You wake up in the middle of the night, hearing some rustling on the bed.

You open your eyes and manage to find the lamp, which you turn on.

You sit up and turn to your side, seeing Sana with her head over the bed.


You scoot closer to Sana and place a hand on her back, softly caressing her as she lets out what she ate for most of the day.

You grab a scrunchie and proceed to tie her hair in a pony tail.

Most nights were like this, waking up in the middle of the night, either to satisfy some cravings, or because she was feeling sick. Some nights were restles, and some nights you both don't even get to get some sleep.

As soon as Sana was finished, you get some napkins and use them to wipe her face.

Y/n- Gwenchana?

She only nods, to tired to even produce a smile.

You then grab a water bottle and proceed to help her drink it.

Y/n- Are you sure you're okay to film TTT tomorrow? I can ask Sadness to cancel it again

Sn- Don't, Oppa. She'll get suspicious if you cancel it again like last week

Y/n- But Sana, you're getting naussea much more often

Sn- No, it's fine. Trust me

Y/n- *Sigh* Arasso. But after that, we're going straight to the hospital

Sana nods. You then assist her in laying back down.

You then get off the bed and walk to the bucket, picking it up.

Y/n- I'll just go and get this cleaned up, go and get some sleep

Sn- Gomao

You lean down and kiss Sana's forehead before walking to and out the door.

Sana would have been embarassed had it been any other person cleaning her puke, but you were different from anybody else. Sana has never been more comfortable in a person more than she has with you.

You find yourself downstairs, heading into the bathroom to clean out the bucket.

You get inside and turn on the faucet, spilling out the bucket's contents into the toilet bowl before cleaning it inside the sink where you put a little soap on it to make sure it didn't smell.

Truth be told, you did not mind cleaning after Sana. She never had to be embarassed because you never make her feel as such.

It was normal for you to take care of her, and with Sana being Sana, you did not have much care what she does.

It wasn't disgusting, it didn't turn you off. It was what you had to do, and you were more than willing to do it.

After you clean the bucket, you head back out the bathroom and head upstairs.

You head into your room where you see Sana sitting up on your bed.

Y/n- What are you doing still up?

You ask as you place the bucket back to its spot.

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