Chapter 2 - It's been a while

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The girls were all starting to each wake up. The girls that were laying on sleeping mats were now folding them and starting to place them back to the drawer. They each went after each other to the restroom to clean up before the start of the day, brushing their teeth and putting on light make up and brushing their hair.
All of them were almost finished and Chaeyoung was the last one to enter the restroom of the private room.
Everyone was just gathered at the sofa except for Chaeng who was still getting ready and Jihyo who was sitting beside Sana on the bed.

Sadness Manager comes into the room
Everyone looks at her, except for Sana who was still asleep.

Sm- I've got the confirmation, Sana will undergo the surgery either later to day or early tommorow. They just need the bruises to subside to make sure that her body doesnt lose too much blood.

All the girls that were looking at her were now looking down with a heavy feeling in their chests. Jihyo looks at the sleeping Sana and holds her hand

Sm- I know how all of you might be feeling, but the Doctors said that this was a safe procedure. And it would be better to get the surgery than risk getting her back agrivated again

Sadness looks around at the girls all either smiling slightly at her or nodding. She then notices a certain someone that was missing from the bunch.

Sm- Where is Dahyun?

The girls look around at each of them also not seeing Dahyun. Even they didnt know where Dahyun was, it was rare for her to leave without anyone else because of her tendency to leave things behind.

Ny- Maybe she just went to the restroom?

Mm- Theres the restrook right there

Momo says pointing at the restroom door

Ch- Maybe she just stepped out for a bit?

Chaeng says sitting in Mina's lap

Mn- Ill go call her

Mina pats Chaengs back to make her stand up, the cub does so with a pout
Mina goes to the coffee table in the middle of the room and grabs her phone.
She dials Dubu's number
Na pit po pet tawwww

The girls look at each other with faces that were starting to show off worriedness.
Tzuyu runs over to the source of the sound and grabs the phone pressumably Dahyuns.

Tz- Its hers

The girls look at each other with worried eyes

Sm- Okay, everybody calm down. Nayeon, Mina with me, the rest of you stay here and watch Sana

They all agree in unisance and the three step out of the room and goes to look for Dahyun


Y/n-  Oh shit! Your underwear!

Dahyun stops and looks at you with wide eyes, you then take her hold off of you and instead grab her. You both sprint back to the music shop where you were praying your boss or any of the other employees have not yet arrived.
You get there and was relieved that the door was still closed and the lights were still off.
You both walk inside subconsiously still holding hands with each other
Then Dahyun rushes to the sofa where her underwear and clothes were still laying on
You go beside her and watch her hurridly place her underwear and clothes into the bag with the laptop, you mistakenly let out a small chuckle because of how cute she looked
She heaes this and elbows you in the stomach not even looking at you

Y/n- Oof

Dahyun smirks still packing the bag
She gets done and closes the bag then turns to you

Dh- Here

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