Chapter 5 - Winner winner

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At the hospital while you and Jeongyeong were still brainstorming
Sana starts to "wake up"
You both look at her as she was stretching her arms still lying down

Sn- Hey you two

Y/n- Hey sleeping beauty

Sana smiles at you with her eyes still closed
She then proceeds to sit up

Sn- So what are you two doing?

Y/n- Still thinking of something to write, we came up with a few tones but nothing just seems to blossom into something

Jy- I know, we tried to come up with a title also to see if we can start basing it off of that

Sn- But still nothing?

You two nod at the hamster

Sn- Well maybe you two just need a little "inspiration"

You and Jeong look at each other with panic in both your eyes

Jy- What do you mean? Hehe

Sn- You know... something to get the both of you going... a good experience maybe something relaxing or maybe even exiting

She says with a increasingly sexy tone

Y/n- *Clears throat* Thats a good idea maybe we can look through social media or something like that?

Jy- Yeah thats a good idea

You and Jeong try to change the subject quickly sounding panicky
As Sana chuckles to herself on the bed

Y/n- By the way do you girls even have social media?

Jy- Of course, its just private and we're not allowed to tell anyone about it

Sn- You can tell him ours Unnie, I can keep it a secret, im great at those haha

She says teasing the two of you

Jy- Fine. Hey Y/n? You think you can prank the girls for me using your phone?

Y/n- What you planning on?

Jy-Here Ill add you and you can make a group chat with us. Change your handle first so they don't recognize you and your profile as well

She says as you follow
You add Jeong and Sana first with the other girls to follow

There are 10 people in this group chat

🦄- Whats this???

🐶- Dont know

🐰- Who's the other one
I dont think ive seen that profile before

🐹- Maybe its the one that added us

🦄- Hey can we ask who you are?

🐯- Yeah and whats with the weird profile ㅋㅋ

🦝- It must be another fan

👑- Well hello girls

🦄- What is it??

👑- You seem very tempered there miss Park Jihyo

🦄- Who the hell are you?

👑- You don't really need to know that. Just keep driving to wherever you're going

🐰- What the hell is going on?

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