Chapter 7 - Welcoming Party

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You and Tzuyu finally arive back at your apartment as you use a keypad to open the door to enter
You open the door for Tzuyu as you follow soon after, you then take her hand and lead her towards the stairs

Y/n- Sorry bout this Tzu, This place doesnt really come with an elevator

Tz- Haha its fine Oppa, the elevator at our place breaks down often, so we're quite used to it

You smile at her as you both go up the stairs to your floor, once you reach your floor you both walk a long coridor to head to your room, you unlock it and let her go in first

Tz- You lived here alone?

Y/n- Yeah, since I got here, this is where i stayed. Sorry if its no much

Tz- Its very cozy Oppa

Y/n- I guess thats a plus huh? Go ahead take a seat wherever you like

Tzuyu then walks over to your bed and sits down as she looks around your room. It was a studio apartment your bed on one side a set up on the other with a couch and a tv next to it, there was a small kitchen and a small dinner table

Y/n- Its the cheapest room I can find that was in a high floor. I like looking out the window when Im writing, it helps me get my mind in check, and fixes whatever goes on up here

You say pointing to your head

Tz-Why? What does go on up there

Y/n- Well, a lot of stuff

You say as you sit beside her on the bed

Y/n- Every melody, every lyric, every song that I think of, I try to keep it in my mind. Its been difficult these past few years, I have so many songs and no one to listen to them. It gets to me, thinking what the hell am I doing with my life, like should I really continue this and just stuff like that, Luckily I was never in a financial bind, my parents still send me Money but I try not to rely on them anymore. But yeah, its hard living day to day, not knowing whats going to happen next, but its fun. Rewarding? Maybe not, but it is an enjoyable life

Tz- I wish I can do that too Oppa, live my life the way I want and not relly on my parents anymore

Y/n- Well, you kinda already do that Tzu, you chose to live a life of an idol, you make your own money, you made a career for yourself with your hard work, and nobody can say otherwise. So what if you came from a rich family, that didnt matter when you got into sixteen didnt it? You survived the show by working your ass off, and look where it lead you, one of the most famous idols in the world, the woman with the most stunning visuals in all of industry, You are perfect Tzuyu, nobody gave that to you, you worked and worked to become who you are. And I admire that most about you

You then hold her hand and proceed to kiss it

Tz- Thank you Oppa, thats the nicest thing anyone has said to me

Y/n- You deserve every bit of praise that you get

You then stand up and proceed to your closet

Y/n- Hey Ill be taking a shower for a short bit, you okay here?

Tz- Yeah Oppa I can wait

Y/n- Hold on let me open the computer for you

You walk up to the computer and proceed to open it, Tzuyu walks up to you and sits on the chair in front of the set up, then you unlock the computer but forgot that they were your background

Y/n- Oh uh...

You then proceed to press the set to default button as the screen turns back to the original wallpaper

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