Chapter 23 - Internet Famous

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(A/N So I didn't die... I think? We're all feeling better now. Luckily all of us were vaccinated.

Get your popcorns ready though, longest chapter I've ever written. Given it did take a while, sorry about that.

Word count: 41k

Thank you and Enjoy! )

You were all downstairs drinking and listening to the blasting music.

No one cared for their limits and were just drinking out of their minds. You were in a semi circle with your girls and they were all doing quirkt and wacky dances. You join in every now and again as you all shared laughter throughout the night.

You even got to dance Shin Min-a to a song while everyone cheered your not so pleasing dance moves.

Eventually the whole front of the building was just one big dance floor. Everyone was already super drunk and dancing to their hearts content.

You and the other managers had to keep an eye on the girls though just to make sure they weren't passed out drunk.


It all continued late into the night and as the alcohol supply was diminishing so was the energy of everyone there.

Soon, everyone was saying their final goodnights and heading to each of their own.

The last to leave the bunch was Seungyeon as she gave you a kiss on the cheek as a thanks for taking care of her sister.

Unfortunately, You, Sadness, and Yuna were the only ones sober enough. Even Kang and Tendo were already sleeping inside the Van.

You and Sadness start assisting the girls into the elevator. All of them barely being able to walk. You even had trouble with Jihyo as you carried her like a bride.

She opens her eyes and drunkenly smiles at you.

Jh- Oh, hey Oppa. Everyone...

She says adressing to absoloutely no one as you were walking her to the elevator where the others were alreadg waiting.

Jh- ... This is my Y/n, there are many like him but this one is mine... You are mine, right?

She suddenly grabs your face and makes you look at her serious Thomas eyes.

Y/n- Whatever you say Ji

The leader smiles cutely then passes out in your arms making you chuckle a tad bit.

You head inside the elevator joined by Sadness as you all head upstairs.

As soon as the elevator door opens, the girls that were at least sober enough were able to pool out and head to the dorm by themselves

Sadness carried Jihyo this time as you carried your Dubu, and Jeongyeon carried Tzuyu.

You all head inside and see all of the other girls already scattered everyhwere. Some were at the bathroom and already puking while some colapsed on the couch.

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