Chapter 21 - Test Ride

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Christmas Morning has come in the L/n household.

Dahyun has slowly woken from her slumber after the party with your family the previous night.

She stands up, half expecting you to still be asleep and be able to cook breakfast for you again.

However, this time it would seem that you beat her to it as she finds an empty bed on your side.

Dahyun heads out of your room and goes down the halway, she sees you eating breakfast with your family on the table.

You lock eyes on the half asleep Dahyun and greet her with a warm smile

Y/n- You're up

You stand up and guide her to sit on the table beside you. You head over to the counter to grab her a cup of coffee

M/n- You're still tired sweetie?

Dh- Oh? O. Hehe

M/n- I would like to think so, after all you kids made such a ruckus last night...

Dahyun starts to blush and can only look down on her plate

D/n- Hey, leave the kids alone. It's not like we didn't do the same when we were younger

You instantly come back with the coffee

Y/n- Oh my...Guys, please stop

You sit down beside Dahyun and hold her hand on the table to at least comfort her

Y/n- Enough of that or we're bolting out of here

M/n- Arasso, Arasso. Anyways, Dahyun have you shown him your gift yet?

You all look at Dahyun who had a flustered look on her face

Dh- Oh... uh...

Y/n- Gift? Sweetie?

Dh- Well, you see...

M/n- She told me that she only got you deodorant for your Christmas party. So when we were out, she asked me to help find a gift for you

Y/n- Oh yeah?

Dh- It's under the tree Oppa

Y/n- So that's what that was

Dh- You already saw it?

Y/n- Well, yeah. I saw it when I put your gift there

Dh- Eh?

Y/n- Go and check

You say to her with a smile. Dahyun stands up and rushes to the christmas tree. There were three gifts in total from you and both your parents

Dahyun opened up the first one and saw a dress like the one she wore the night before but this one was black

You all look at Dahyun gladly opening the presents with a smile on your faces

Your phone suddenly vibrates so you pick it up


🐯- Merry Christmas Y/n!!!!

🐶- Oh yeah
Merry Christmas!

🦝- Merry Christmas my Y/n Oppa💕😚😚

🐰- Merry Christmas you two

🐹- Hey, why isn't Dahyun replying
Is she still asleep?

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