Chapter 29 - Rift (Part 2)

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As you were getting done inside the shower, Tzuyu comes into your room, looking for you.

Tz- Oppa?

Y/n- In the shower!

You answer from the bathroom. Not a couple seconds more, she opens the door and sees you rinsing.

Tz- Oh hey, Unnie

She says to Dahyun who was on video call with you, proped up on the sink while she watched you shower.

Dh- Hey, Tzu

Tz- Was I interupting?

Y/n- Nah, I was just about done anyways

You say as you step out of the shower, drying yourself with a towel.

Y/n- Looking good, Tzu

Tz- Why thank you

She says jokingly, giving you a little spin and showing you her outfit. She wore a long black dress with buttons running along the front, she looked every bit of a professional.

You chuckle and then turn to Dahyun.

Y/n- Hey, I'll call you back later

Dh- Okay, Babe. I have to go anyways, me and Sana Unnie are going out to shop

Y/n- You two better be careful, and make sure to wear your disguises, I won't be there to protect you

Dh- I know that haha. Bye, Oppa. Bye, Tzuyu

Tz- Bye, Unnie

Y/n- Talk to you later

Dahyun sends a flying kiss towards you as she closes the call.

You then turn to Tzuyu.

Y/n- So, you ready?

Tz- Uh-huh

Y/n- Go wait for me downstairs, I'll come down once I'm finished

Tz- Nope, I'll wait for you

Y/n- I don't think your mom will let you...

Tz- It's fine, It's dad that we have to worry about, but he's not here, so you... can take this off

She says as she grabs your towel and lets it fall to the ground.

Tz- And I can do this...

She grabs your semi stiff cock and slowly strokes it. You release a soft moan as her warm hand smoothly goes up and down your shaft.

Tz- ...But we don't have time

She then lets go of your cock.

Y/n- You are an evil evil woman

Tzuyu giggles.

Tz- Get dressed. We'll go out after the meeting, you can take this dress off of me later tonight

She winks at you and then turns around, swaying her hips from side to side as she exits the bathroom.

You run to her and smack her ass, causing her to laugh as she falls to the bed.

Tz- Oppa! Haha

It stung her ass but she liked it, she liked the way the pain stuck to her ass with the mark of your hand.

Tz- Please do that more later?

You just chuckle as you proceed to grab the suit that was left on your bed.

Tz- Don't worry, I told them your size

Y/n- How do you always know my size?

Tz- I practicaly buy all your clothes, Oppa. I can pretty much guess off the top of my head what can fit you and what can't

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