Chapter 30 - Rift (Part 3)

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You were stripped of your clothes, top to bottom, and was forced to wear a jumspsuit. Your favorite penguin bracelet was also removed, along with any other object that you possesed.

You were made to walk through a corridor, the stentch of filth and sweat lingered all around. With each step, each eye that was on you got more focused, some filled with anger, some filled with confussion.

Murmurs and conversations were to be heard as the inmates talked to each other about a new guy coming into the prison.

As you were faced with metal door, a guard speaks out in mandarin, you unable to understand what he said, does not respond.

The man suddenly opens the door and pushes you inside. Another guard comes in, with a guard behind him, a gun ready in his holster. The guard then takes off your handcuffs and they all exit, leaving you alone after saying some other mandarin words.

The metal door was locked, only a small slot was opened for you to be able to look outside.

You were inside a cement room, not bigger than the bathroom you had back at the dorm with the girls. At the other side, there was a high window with railings, giving you the option to view the otside world.

At the corner was a futton, and at the other corner was a toilet.

You take a deep breath as you hold your wrists, still sore from the cuffs. You then make your way to the futton, holding your jaw which still hurt from the punch that knocked you out earlier.

You slowly sit down, feeling parts of your body in pain.

There were a lot of things running in your mind, was Tzuyu safe, do the other girls know what was happening, have they eaten yet. It was all too much to think about.

You slowly lay down, resting your head on your arm as you look out the window to see the night sky, filled with stars, though empty.

After such an exhausting day, you instantly fall into deep slumber.



The next day

You were woken up by loud banging noises, coming from the metal door.

You slowly sit up and open your eyes, realizing that none of it was a dream. You were still locked up and was currently sweating your ass off due to the heat of your cell.

"Get up, now!"

The guard says, though you still had no idea what he said.

"I said get up!"

The man grows furious as you just look at him through your door.

He then opens the door and gets inside.

He was almost screaming at you, but you just woke up, so you had no time to try and interpret what he wanted you to do.

All of a sudden, the guard slaps you, you stand up and try to stand your ground, but he whips out his batton and already had his hand on his holster.

You ease up and try to understand as he motions his hands for you to go outside.

Finally understanding a little bit, he pushes you as you walk out of your cell.

He nudges you forward as a sign to keep walking, which you do. The guard walks right behind you as you keep walking, not knowing where to.

You pass a few empty cells and a some still with prisonners as you walk through the halls of the prison. You were a friendly guy in generel, not so to the menacing men who stared at you as you pass them.

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