Chapter 45 - Standing on stools (Part 1)

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Shin Min-ah just got out of the shower, heading onto her closet to get changed before starting her day.

After she was done, she makes her way out of her room and into her kitchen.

She starts her coffee maker, and then starts making some toast for herself as well.

Once the toast was done, she pread some butter on it and started eating it.

As she was doing so, she went back into her room and started packing her purse for the day.

After she was done, she makes her way back into the kitchen and to her coffee maker.

She started pouring its contents into a portable container, for her to take with her for the rest of the day.

She then grabs her purse and her coffee, taking another look at herself in the mirror.

She decides to wear some sunglasses before walking to her door, exiting her room, and then locking it behind her.

She went to the stairs and went down the steps.

Though as she reached the bottom, she notices a very strange wire that was connected from the outlet beside the elevator.

She raises her brow at this, lowering her sunglasses to see better, but there was no mistaking the extension cord.

She just thought that maybe it was the gardener or something, so she decides to shrug it off.

Though she follows the wire on her way out of the building, and down its last steps.

There, she gets a clearer vision of what was going on.

You were currently sat on a chair, with a towel wrapped around your body, as Sana cut your hair for you.

The girl had a lot of focus on her eyes, and she was determined to give you the best haircut she could.

Shin Min-ah walks closer, chuckling to herself.

Sh- I didn't know Sana started a salon out here?

Sana turns her head to see Min-ah.

Sn- Unnie!

Sana runs to her with a pair of scissors and a razor in her hands.

Min-ah instantly reaches out her hands.

Sh- Woah, woah. I think it's okay, Sana

Sana finally realizes.

Sn- Oh, sorry, Unnie hehe

Sh- It's fine

She waves her off with a giggle as she is now the one to come over to Sana and give her a hug.

Sh- I haven't seen you two in forever

Y/n- Hi, Noona

She also comes over to give you a quick hug.

Sh- Where have you two been? It's been a while since I last saw you

Y/n- We've just been fairly busy in japan, Noona

Sana nods, agreeing.

Sh- I see. Is this the reason Sana went to japan?

She says, raising the towel wrapped around you, and you both laugh.

Y/n- No. It's just a skill she picked up along the way

She giggles.

Sh- Well, it's looking good, I have to say. Maybe you can cut my hair sometimes, Sana

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