Lost Chapters (4) - A Costume party

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(This chapter takes place a few years after the ending.)

You were currently in the garage, ironing out some clothes for your family.

Your actual family, and the extended ones. Since most of the girls got busy the day before to wash their own clothes.

Suddenly, the door to the garage comes busting open.

Nm- Daddy, daddy!

She comes running in, arms in the air, making you laugh as you kneel down and pick her up.

Y/n- If it isn't my little birthday girl

Nm- Dad! My birthday is not until tomorrow! Did you forget already?

She furrows her eyebrows at you.

Y/n- Of course I didn't. Just wanted to get a head start before your mom greets you first

You say, kissing her cheek as she smiles in delight.

At the same time, Mina comes rushing in, holding B/n in her arms.

Mn- Nami, you are not about to skip breakfast again!

She says, eyebrows furrowed, like the mom that she was.

Y/n- Hey, now. What's with the rush?

Mn- Babe, you know she can't skip breakfast. She's too excited for the ticket selling

Y/n- Ticket selling? Of what?

Mn- Iu sunbaenim. She's been bugging about it all week

Mina comes over to you as you give your wife and your Baby a kiss each.

Y/n- Good morning, by the way

Mn- Good morning

You smile at each other while Nami could only watch.

Y/n- What's this about you skipping breakfast now, Nami?

Nm- I'll eat when I get a ticket, Daddy

Y/n- No,no. You will not skip a meal. Especially breakfast

Nm- B-but...

Y/n- Nami

Nami pouts, but slowly nods as she hides her face in your shoulder.

Y/n- We'll get you that ticket. But you need to eat first, okay? Now why don't we all just head to the kitchen and eat

Nm- *Sigh* Okay, Daddy

You kiss her cheek again as she rushes out of the garage, into your home.

Meanwhile Mina shook her head at the door.

Y/n- What is it this time?

Mn- She barely listens to me anymore, Love. It's like my opinion doesn't matter. She only listens to you. It's like she doesn't even hear me

You smile softly, picking up your baby from her while your other hand started massaging her back.

Y/n- All kids are like that

Mn- I know. But she's my daughter. I expect her to at least listen to me

Y/n- She does, Love. It's just that there has to be two parents. One strict and one sweet. We can't both be strict or both be sweet. There's a balance in that

Mn- I know

She leans her head on your chest.

Mn- I just wish she sees me as the sweet one

Y/n- She does. You're her mother. She loves you and she listens to you. Though not often

She hits your chest, making you chuckle.

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