Chapter 8 - A not so productive day

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You start to open your eyes with the sun beaming down on you from the window
It was early morning and you had a headache from what happened the night before, chucking to yourself at the things you did
You figured that the girls would have some type of headache as well so you stand up and stretch then head over to their kitchen
You look at the fridge and pantry but there wasnt much stuff there

Y/n- 'Huh guess Im gonna have to shop again'

You grab what you can and decide to make them some army stew for their headaches
You start to cut up the ingredients and start to boil some water, while you were waiting for it you put on some earphones and listened to a few songs to pass time
A few minutes go by and you start to add all the ingredients into the stew as the smell of your cooking filled the air

Dahyun starts to wake up and heads outside their room to find Momo coming out at the same time

Dh- *Yawn* Goodmorning Unnie

Mm- Goodmorning Dahyun

Dh- Hey whats that smell?

Mm- I dont know but whatever it is I feel like I need it

Dh- Your head hurts too huh?

Mm- Just a little, but I am hungry so lets go?

Dahyun nods as her and Momo head downstairs to see you dancing while using a wooden spoon as a mic, they look at each other then stiffle their laughter
Dahyun walks up to you and hugs you from behind, you were a bit startled so you rushly looked behind you to see the dubu

Y/n- Oh, goodmorning Dahyun

Dh- Goodmorning Oppa

Mm- Goodmorning!

Y/n- Oh you're awake too

Mm- How could I not be I could smell what you're cooking from upstairs

Y/n- Go on take a seat Ill fix you a bowl. You too Dahyun

Dh- No

Y/n- No?

She nuzzles her head on your back as she doesnt let go of the hug

Dh- No

Y/n- *Sigh* Fine

You try your best to move around and take a bowl to fill it up and hand it over to Momo on the kitchen Island
It was a struggle with the eldest maknae hanging onto you and all that
Momo starts to dig in relentlesly as if being starved for months
You break Dahyuns arms around you and you turn around to face her as she smiles brightly at you

Y/n- Hey no hangover?

Dh- A little, but hugging you made me feel a bit better

Y/n- Oh yeah? Then come here

You open your arms wide as she leans it to hug you and you give her a tight squeeze, kissing the top of her head

Mm- Get a room you two

Dh- Jealous much?

Mm- Just hungry, now hurry up and get me another bowl

Y/n- Tsk fine, hold your horses

You and Dahyun break off the hug and she sits on the counter of the Island
You get Momo's bowl and give her another serving as you make your way back to Dahyun also handing her a bowl, she places it beside her as she pulls you in for a kiss
You and Dahyun proceed to make out with her sitting on the Island and you standing in front of her with Momo just behind Dahyun eating and minding her own business

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