Chapter 36 - Words left unspoken

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Timing. Everything is about timing.

You were stood across the room with Sana's dad on the other side.

Sn- Dad, what are you doing here?

Snd- Am I not allowed to visit my daughter?

He crosses his arms.

Snd- My daughter who I just found out was pregnant!

Sn- Wh-where did you... how did you?

Sana's dad takes his glare at you.

Snd- Jyp called me and told me the news. And the fact that I had to find out that my daughter was pregnant through a call!

He almost rushes to you, but Sana kneels on the bed and interviens, pushing him back.

The other girls start to wake up because of the comotion, and they instantly recognize the man.

They all quickly stand up and get in between the two of you, understanding the seriousness and the anger Mr. Minatozaki had in his eyes.

Mm- Sir, please don't

Momo gets up from the bed and gets in front of Sana's dad, pushing him back.

Snd- Momo, you knew about this? Mina

Mina who was still dazed after the previous night looks at him.

Snd- You knew about this too? None of you girls bothered telling me that my daughter is pregnant!

He was understandably furious, but you had no clue what he was saying.

Sn- Dad! Please, calm down. What you're doing is stressing me out, and that is not good for baby

Sana says in a serious manner, looking her dad straight in his eyes.

Snd- Sana...

He starts calming down, his eyes softening as he looks at his daughter.

Snd- Why didn't you tell me sooner?

Sn- I'm sorry, Dad. I was planning on telling you, I really was, but I was just waiting for the right time

Sana gets off the bed as she walks in front of her father

Sn- I'm sorry, Dad. I didn't want you finding out this way

And with the sincere look in her daughter's eyes, he couldn't really resist her for long.

He sighs, slowly nodding at his daughter.

Snd- I just wish you told me sooner

He looks down at his daughter, dissapointed.

Sn- I know dad...

Sana looks up and looks at you and the girls.

Sn- Can you guys give us a few minutes?

All of you look at each other and then eventually nod.

Passing Sana and her dad, the girls walk out of the room in an orderly fashion.

You on the other hand...

He stops you beside him, grabbing onto your forearm. You turn your head and look down as he looks up.

Snd- We'll talk later

You tilt your head, and he was understandably felt a bit disrespected, feeling as if you weren't taking him seriously.

Sn- Dad, he doesn't know Japanese

She tries to explain to her dad, but luckily, Tzuyu comes into the room and pulls you by your arm.

Tz- Oppa, come on

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