Chapter 6 - Settling in

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You and the girls start to wake up one by one, all of you were still outside the operating room
You and Jihyo were the last ones to wake up, you look to your chest and see Jihyo sleeping on top of you while both of you were laid down on the rows of chairs

Y/n- Good morning girls

Mn- Good morning Oppa

All the other girls look at you and smile
Nayeon then walks up to you still lying down

Ny- So it looks like you two had a good sleep. And it looks like we lost

Y/n- Yeah, well I did. She was pretty light, im not sure about her though

Ny- Im sure she did, especially having a good meal before sleep

She says winking at you

Y/n- What do you mean?

Ny- Tzuyu and Chaeyoung told me, they were starting to fall asleep then suddenly saw Jihyos head bobbing up and down

Y/n- So everyone knows?

Ny- Look at you not even denying it

Y/n- Is there a point? And whats this about losing?

Ny- Notbing nothing haha now come lets get you up

Y/n- Wait, I dont want to wake her up

Ny- Dont worry she's a heavy sleeper, we even play with her tits while she's sleeping and she never wakes up

Y/n- What?!

Ny- Shhhh, now come on just lay her back down

You start to move and wiggle Jihyo off of you laying her back on the rows of chairs you hand her her jacket and place it on her head, you then take off your jacket and place it above her
The other girls smile at this gesture
You walk over to them stretching

Y/n- Is Sana done?

Mn- Mhm, she just needs to rest a bit then we can take her home. The doctor said it would be better for her to rest somewhere comfortable since its mostly an outer wound that needs healing

Jy- Had fun last night?

Y/n- Not even gonna respond

They all chuckle at you

Mm- Hey Oppa want to come with me to the cafeteria?

Y/n- Sure, any of you girls want anything?

Ch- Can you get me some coffee

Tz- Coffee for me as well

Ny- Americano here

Mn- Me too Iced americano

Jy- Capuccino please

Dh- Ill have a black iced coffee

Y/n- Okay, what does Jihyo like?

Mn- Just get her anything hot

Y/n- Roger. Lets go?

You say as you offee your arm to Momo to which she immediatley grabs as this got the other girls Jealous
You and Momo walk back to the room that Sana was in to grab a mask
You both head inside and Momo lets your arm go and looks for a mask
She leans down over on the bags looking for one and you notice her perfect shaped peachy ass with her amazing thigh gap that was showed off beautifuly by her leggings 'Oh god I need therapy' You thought as you shake your head to rid these thoughts off your mind
She finds one and makes her way back to you

Mm- You like what you saw?

Y/n- What did I see?

Mm- Dont play dumb Oppa, I knew you checked me out

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