Lost Chapters (1) - Hit can't run

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(The events of this Chapter takes place before Chapter 1)

It has been a exhausting past couple of weeks for a little girl group known as Red Velvet, comeback season was fast approaching and neither of them could get a break during all of this.

On one particulat sunday afternoon, inside one of SMent's practice studio, said girls were dancing their asses off.

All the girls have been here since this morning and have done nothing but dance all day, with nothing but a few 15 minute breaks sprinkled in between.

"Okay girls, that's it for today. I'll see you all tomorrow, thank you!"

Each of the five bows and says their goodbyes to the choreographers.

Sl- Annyeong

Ir- Goodbye

Yr- Bye

J- Take care

Wd- Thank you

With that, the choreographers exit the practice studio. Their managers soon come in to hand them some water bottles and some towels as they collapse on some nearby chairs.

J- Anyone want to go to dinner?

Yr- Sure, where?

J- Anywhere, I just don't want to eat at the cafeteria again

Wd- How about we just eat at home?

Ir- Yeah, 'cause all of us are great cooks

She says, joining in on the conversation.

Wd- Then let's just order take out

J- The entire point of me asking you girls to dinner is to eat out and you want to order take out?

Yr- Well, it is still technicaly eating out if we don't eat it at home

J- Why would you even order take out if you're not eating it at home? Just eat at the damn place if you're not gonna take the food home

Yr- We can eat at the car?

J- Why the hell would we eat at the car?

Yr- I don't know...

Irene and Wendy could only laugh as the two continued to argue.

Eventually they settled on actually eating out at one of the restaurants near the SMent building.

Ir- Alright, come on. I need to get some sleep straight after

The girls nod and stand up, noticing that one girl in particular has been silent the whole time.

Ir- Yah, come on

Seulgi looks up from her phone with a smile and clearly blushing.

Sl- You girls go ahead, I'll join you if I can

Wd- If you can?

Yr- Unnie, don't tell me...

Seulgi giggles as she goes back to her phone.

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