Chapter 39 - As our sun sets

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You and Dahyun were currently sat across each other at a nearby cafè from the shooting site.

Silence filled the air, and it was like there wasn't even anyone else inside the cafè but you two.

You both held your drinks on the table, gauging each ones reactions.

No one seemed to want to talk. Well, no one actually knew what to talk about.

The drinks in your hands just remained cold, and the ice was already melting.

The heaviness of the air around the two of you could be felt from a mile away.

Even as the single drop of water fell from the side of your plastic cup.

You took a sip of your drink, and then lean back.

Dh- Jal Jinesseoyo?

You look her in the eyes and take a deep breath.

Slowly, you nod your head.

Dahyun makes an O face and does the same as she awkwardly takes a sip of her drink.

Y/n- How about you? Have you been well?

Dahyun thinks for a bit, failing to make eye contact.

But soon, she nods her head.

You nod back.

Y/n- *Sigh* Why did you ask me here? You girls have a shoot to get to

Dh- Just wait... *Sigh* Just wait a minute

Y/n- Dahyun, I need to get back to your Sana Unnie

Dh- Ara

She nods, finally looking you in your eyes.

Dh- Ara-yo. I just needed a moment to talk to you

You look at her, and you felt bad with how her eyes looked. As if she was pleading.

Y/n- Then talk to me

Dh- You think I'm not trying to?

She asks, her tone, blank.

Dh- You think this is easy for me to even do?

You just took a deep breath and shoot your head.

Y/n- *Sigh* Take your time

Dahyun looks down at the table, holding tighter on her cup.

Dh- Did we ever talk, while I was drunk?

You play dumb, shaking your head.

Y/n- Not to my knowledge, no

Dh- Quit lying. I know we did. My brother told me

Y/n- Then why did you ask me in the first place?

Dahyun pouts.

Dh- Do you remember anything from it? Anything at all?

You nod, though your eyes remained locked at your cup.

Y/n- All of it

Dahyun blushes.

Dh- What... What did I say?

You shrug your shoulders.

Y/n- Not much. But it's better if I don't say it. Let's just pretend it never happened

Dh- But it did

Y/n- So?

You ask her, looking her in her eyes that caught her off guard.

Y/n- Dahyun, let's not beat around the bush. We're wasting time

Dahyun looks down.

Dh- Mianhe

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