Lost Chapters (5) - A business trip

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(This chapter takes place after the epilogue)

Nayeon was currently staring out the window of a plane, yawning, all the while stretching her limbs.

She then takes out her phone from her pocket, finally being able to take a look.

🐰- Where are u?
I just landed

👑- Will be there in a few hours
I just need to get things set at the company first

🐰- Arasso
Be careful with your flight

👑- I will
I'll see you there, Nay

🐰- Ne
I'll text you our hotel room

👑- Thank you

🐰- I love you, Honey

👑- I love you too, Nay
I'll see u soon

With a smile, Nayeon closes her phone as the plane finally started letting out passengers.
You were currently still in a meeting, that had already lasted for a few hours.

Jotting down the goals and specifics for a couple deals that were to come down the line.

It was pretty boring mind you, but you've gone to so many that you've just gotten used to it by now.

And as Yeongyu finally stood up and went to the front for the final closing of the meeting, you only had enough in you to lean your head on the back of Eunbi to let out a yawn.

She shifted in her seat to make sure nobody could see you.

Once Yeongyu was done with the closing of the meeting, you all stood up and bowed, thanking each other.

Everyone in the room finally left, only your team staying behind in the meeting room.

You all sat back down as you rest your head on Eunbi's shoulder.

Eb- He's been really getting no sleep, huh?

She asks to Clarice.

Cl- It's not like he has a choice. Investors want to talk to him and him alone

Eb- Yeah. Sucks for him

They both look at you as you finally take your head off of Eunbi's shoulder.

Y/n- I'm right here, Eunbi

Eb- We know. And we know it sucks for you

Cl- Yeah, Boss. You should really take a break

Y/n- Hey, that's why I'm going to Paris

Eb- No. You're going to Paris for a business meeting. You need to take a few days rest while you're out there

Y/n- I can't

Cl- Yes, you can. We can handle stuff out here. You can stay there for a couple more days to take some rest

Eb- Yeah, and think about it. It'll make Nayeon feel a lot better if she has you there for her whole stay, and not just a day

You shrug your shoulders, leaning back in your seat.

Y/n- I don't know if I can

Yg- Sure you can, Boss

Yeongyu says as he takes a seat on the table in front of you.

Yg- It's just a few days. We'll all be here anyways, and if we do need you, we can just call you right away. You can take a breather or two. We can handle it. I mean, you picked us for a reason, right?

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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