Chapter 13 - Breaking the wall

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The girls arrive back at the building, the van enters as the guards open the gate for them
They park outside and they all step out of the van

Ny- Powers out again

Mn- Hey Unnie can you call Pdnim about this again, it keeps happening

Sm- I will girls, but for now you should all get some rest

The girls nod and they all start to walk inside the building as Sadness sat back inside the van, calling the company

They all take the stairs since pretty much nothing in the building works without power
After arriving at the top floor they each head over to the door of their dorm
They try to open it but it was locked, so they try knocking
?- Who the fuck is that?

He pulls his dick out of Jeongyoens mouth as Jeongyeon gasps for air
He walks over to the door and peaks through the peephole

?- Its the other girls

?- Shit! We cant catch all of them if they find out we're already in here. Didnt you think of a backup plan?

?- No! I thought they were all going to be here

?- You fucking idiot


?- Is that yours?

?- No

The other man stands up from behind Jeongyeon as Jeongyeon finally was able to sit on the floor placing her hands in her face
He goes over to her phone and sees it was one of the girls calling

?- Dont answer it, lets think of a way to get out of here

Dh- She's still not answering

Ny- What about Pinky Oppa?

Mn- Yeah where is he, surely he'd answer the door by now

Sn- Girls im starting getting worried

Mm- Chae, Tzuyu come with me

The two nods and follow Momo
They pop their heads out the window of the hallway and shout at Sadness who was just at the van downstairs

Mm- Unnie!

Ch- Unnie!!! Over here

Tz- Unnie up here hey!!

Sadness looks up and sees the girls motioning her to get up
Sadness gives them the okay signal and they all nod and head back inside

At the same time you arrive with Jihyo back at the estate and the guards open the gate for you
You see Sadness outside with the engine of the van still running
You notice that the power was out again so you immideatley parked beside the van and you and Jihyo get off

Y/n- What are you doing here Noona?

Sm- I was about to leave after dropping the girls off but they shouted at me to head upstairs

Jh- Wae whats wrong?

Sm- I dont know either but the power's out again

Y/n- Alright lets go check on them

You pick up the bottle of wine from your bike and the three of you proceed to head upstairs

Sm- So where did you two go?

Jh- Just out

Sm- Whats with the wine then?

Jh- You know...

Y/n- We went wine tasting Noona, there was one near downtown

Sm- Really? Oh thats a shame I would have loved to go with you

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