Chapter 4 - A little Inspiration

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As the girls were walking to the car Jihyo slows down her steps in order to let the others walk in front of her so she can speak with Mina somewhat privately
She taps Mina's shoulder

Jh- So...

Mn- So?

Jh- Hey if you don't mind me asking are you and Y/n Involved? Like romanticaly in the past

Mn- No, we were just very good friends, he actually treated me more like a sister than anything

Jh- And how about now? Do you still think the same way?

Mn- Of course he's still my bestfriend, but why are you asking me this all of a sudden?

Jh- Just because...

Mn- *Gasp* Do you like him Unnie?

Jh- Well not like him like him, but he is very attractive

Mn- Yeah I know he's your type and all, tall ripped and handsome hehe

Jh- And a big package

Mn- Unnie!

Jh- What? He does. I havent been able to do anything with anyone except you girls and the toys, im just curious

Mn- Well... you better act fast, Our Dubu is already a few steps ahead of you

Mina chuckles to Jihyo as the continue to walk to the car, with Jihyo and Nayeon now thinking of ways to try you out

Meanwhile back at the hotel room.
Jeongyeon was on her cellphone on the couch, you were on your laptop beside Sana watching a few videos and Listening to a few stuff that you made in the past you were talking to Sana about another song you had in mind, but with the painkillers in her system taking effect, she started dozing off a few minutes in so you close the laptop and fix her position in the bed letting her rest.

You walk over to Jeongyeon who was still on her phone and sit down beside her on the sofa

Jy- Y/n?

Y/n- Yeah?

Jy- Would you mind helping me write a song in the upcomming album. Like I know you said youd already help us but I kind of wanted to try something on my own with a different style

Y/n- Of course Jeongyeon Id be glad to help, but we still need to make the song mix well with the other girls right?

Jy- Yep

Y/n- Okay Im sure we can make something up

Jy- Hey, you can just call my Jeong btw, you dont have to be so formal with me

Y/n- Alright Jeong hehe. So when do you want to start? Already got an Idea I pressume?

Jy- Well not really, I just happened to ask you and hoped that we could brainstorm

Y/n- Sure, that sounds fine. Any topics off the top? Or just the emotion you'd want

Jeongyeon smirks at you side eyeing you

Jy- I actually wanted to write something... Sexy?

You get flustered and almost drop your laptop

Y/n- O...Okay I guess we can do with that, but are you sure that that would okay? Twice has kind off always been this Nations girl group. Will a sexy song really fit in?

Jy- Well yeah, weve been trying to have a more mature tone in our songs now, and going sexy is one way of doing it

She says as she runs her hands through her curves jokingly
You just chuckle at her and roll your eyes

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