Chapter 11 - Not quite as planned

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You sit at the sofa and was greeted with the warmest gummy smile there ever was

Mn- Ready

Y/n- Is it updated yet?

Mn- Yep, just finished

Y/n- Great, ready to lose?

Mn- Oh you can try

You pick up the controller and start the game up

Y/n- Hold on let me get some snacks

You stand up and head to the kitchen to grab some chips

Y/n- Beer or Soju?

Mn- Beer is fine

You pick up a 6pack from the fridge and head back to the couch

Y/n- Here

You say handing an oppened can to her

Mn- Thanks

Y/n- This game is taking a long while to load, maybe we shouldnt have updated it

Mn- I think the internet is just slow so its having a hard time loading the characters

Y/n- Maybe. Hey are you sure you've never played this before?

Mn- Mhm, you litteraly just brought the game here

Y/n- Damn... maybe I do suck

You say as you stuff yourself with chips and Mina laughs

Mn- Oh here we go

The game loads up and you both drop your food and grab your controllers

Y/n- Oh this guy is new, ill use him

Mn- Okay then Ill use... this one

Y/n- Hey you already used that one

Mn- So?

Y/n- Pick another one, thats boring

Mn- You just cant beat him

Y/n- Thats not true, it just has an OP move

Mn- Well its not my fault its the game developers

Y/n- Whatever, just pick a different one

Mn- Ugh fine

You and Mina pick your characters and the fight loads up

It was a close match leading up to the final round until suddenly

Y/n- Hey what the fuck?

Your controller runs our of batteries and disconnects
Mina delivers the final blow and the screen flashes white

Mn- Yes!

She says jumping up from the sofa leaving you sitting in utter awe

Y/n- Okay this insane now! First it was that OP character and now the controler disconnects! Whats next!? The power goes out?!

You explode as Mina uncontrolably laughs at your frustration

Mn- Calm Haha calm down Y/n haha

Y/n- What the hell is this I mean come on?!

Mn- Sit down. give me your controler

She grabs the controler from your hands and plugs it in to charge

Mn- This game doesnt count okay? You were at an obvious disadvantage

You dont answer as you cross your arms and slouch on the sofa

Collab to Love (A Twice x Male Reader Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now