Chapter 48 (End) - This time it's us

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It was friday at the L/n and Myoui household.

The girls were hanging out all over the house, with some even swimming in the pool.

Momo and Sana were in the backyard, playing and running around with Malekith.

Nayeon on the other hand, used the time after schedules to relax.

Nayeon stretcher her limbs, taking one last inhale inside the steam room, within the hot tub room.

She then grabs a towel, wrapping it around her body before stepping out and turning the steam room off.

After feeling rejuvinated, Nayeon makes her way out of the hot tub room and to the living room, where she saw most of the girls hanging out.

Ny- Ahhhh

She says, as relaxed as she can be.

Jh- Feel better?

Ny- Oh, yeah

Nayeon smirks at Jihyo before sitting down on the couch, next to Mina who was laying on the edge, on her phone.

Ny- Hey, I thought you and Y/n were supposed to have dinner out?

Mina looks up from her phone.

Mn- Yeah. But I had to do something last minute, so he told me he'd just see me here

Ny- Aww. Isn't that gonna bum him out?

Mn- I think so

The girls crook their brow at Mina who went back to her phone.

Jy- And you don't care if it does?

Mn- Hmm. Not really. It's a bit messed up, but I actually like it when he has a bad day

The girls crook their brows even more.

Ch- And that doesn't bug you even a little bit? Your fiance having a bad day and all?

Mina giggles again.

Mn- I already told you. I like it when he has a bad day

She says with a calm smile, keeping her eyes on her phone, confusing the girls even more.

And there was a reason for this, and the girls would find out soon enough as they hear the front door beep.

Y/n- Girls, I'm home

You announce with much low enthusiasm, placing down your bag and taking off your coat, heading straight to the living room.

It only took a few seconds of scanning to find Mina, and when you did, you immediately drop on top of her, resting your head on her chest.

Mina placed her phone down and wrapped you in her arms, rubbing your back as she immediately feels you ease up.

You take a deep breath, sniffing her scent, and it was like it was able to calm your body down.

Slowly, the anxiety and exhaustion was washed away, and Mina felt it with your breaths becoming slower, and your heartbeat becoming more controled.

The girls smile upon seeing this scene, understanding why Mina liked you having a bad day.

Because then, she'd be able to fulfill her duty and be your rest and comfort. Which worked, always.

Just then, the sliding door opens and Malekith comes rushing in.

He immediately jumps on your back while you were on top of Mina, getting the two of you to laugh.

You fix yourself so you and Mina were beside each other, with little Malekith in the middle as you played with him.

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