Chapter 19 - MelPro

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(A/N: Had to cut this in half cause it was getting way too long and I figured it would just be better to do it this way. Real feelings might start developing~ or will they?
Anyways, Just wanted to thank you all for taking time to read this book. It was just a stupid story in my mind that turned into words, so yeah... Happy Holidays you beautiful souls!)

It was 10 am. You were sitting in the back along with the rest of the managers. It was the last day of rehearsals. And tomorrow was the day of the performance. You were watching intently to keep a close eye on BangChan, he seemed flustered when he looks at Sana so what you and Sana did clearly worked.

Y/n- So I just take them straight to the green room tomorrow right?

Sm- Yes Y/n. I already have everything ready. Just get them there and make sure they have everything they need. Although I doubt they'll overwork you

Y/n- They kinda already do haha

Unbeknownst to you, the girls were already starting to walk back to you and Sadness

Jy- Oh yeah?

Ny- We overwork you now do we?

They stand over you like you were some little puppy. For the first time you were actually intimidated by these girls

Y/n- Kidding hehe

You raise two fingers in the air a a sign of peace

Sm- So are you girls done?

Jh- O. We just need to rehearse one last time for the solo stage then we're all set for tomorrow

Sm- Great. Well Y/n, I'll let you take care of the rest okay? I'll see you all tomorrow

You all wave goodbye to Sadness and she walks out. Leaving you alone surounded by nine terrifying girls

Mn- So we overwork you?

Mm- Do you not like it?

Momo sits on your lap

Y/n- N-no... come on I didnt mean it like that...

You were starting to get flustered as the girls started to walk closer to you

Y/n- No... what are you girls doing... Yah we're in public

You raise your hands covering your head. The girls breakout in laughter and take a step back

Sn- We're just kidding Oppa haha

Y/n- You are all dead once we get home

You give a quick grope on Momo's ass making sure nobody sees it making her yelp

Mm- Oppa!

She hits your shoulder making you and the other girls chuckle

Y/n- Let's head back to the practice room so you girls can finalize everything. I have a song I want you all to record too


You all head out and head to Twice's practice room


After a few hours you were still sat at the back, watching the girls dance.

"Okay girls thats it. Good job. All of you. I'll see you soon for the next come back right? Haha"

Jh- Of course Unnie

Jy- Gomao Unnie

They all bow and share thanks with the choreographer. She heads out the room and the girls slugishly walk to you. Dahyun and Chaeyoung sit on either side of you resting their heads on your shoulders

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