Chapter 35 - Meeting some folks

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You watched as Sana slept in her hospital bed, never once leaving her side.

It was already night time, and the girls came over one by one, but all of them soon went home to rest.

You didn't tell anyone anything yet, and told Sadness to not do so as well.

There was a knock on the door, and then it opens.

It was Mina. She held a cup of coffee as she makes her way to you by the side of the bed.

Mn- Hey

Y/n- Hey

Mn- Here

She hands you the coffee. You take it and take a sip.

Y/n- What are you doing here? I thought I told you to get some rest?

Mn- I couldn't sleep

You just nod as Mina holds her forearm.

Y/n- Does it still hurt?

You place the cup down and grab her arm, sliding up her sleeve to take a look at the red mark of a hand left by Sehun.

Y/n- That asshole. I would have done worse to him you know?

Mn- Let it go, Oppa. I'm okay

Y/n- This? Mina this is not okay. Nothing about him hurting you is okay

Mn- Shh

She takes her arm away and then decides to sit on your lap.

She places her arms around you and looks at you with your taces inches from each other.

Mn- It doesn't hurt anymore. So just please let it go

You shake your head.

Y/n- You know I can't do that

Mn- Please, Y/n. For me?

She nods suggestively, getting closer to your face.

Mn- You always say you'd do everything for me, right?

You sigh and then nod.

Mn- So just let this go. I already talked to him, I'm not going to see him again. It's over between us

You look at Mina's eyes, almost feeling sorry for her.

Y/n- I thought you two had a good thing going

Mn- It was fun for a while, but he got too bothered with how busy I was...

She shakes her head and then smiles energeticaly.

Mn- But that's besides the point. What matters now is that it's over, and I'm not hurt anymore. So just let it go, okay?

Y/n- *Sigh* Fine. If it's what you want

Mina nods and smiles, leaning down to give you quick kiss.

Mn- How are you holding up?

She asks, shifting herself to straddle you while her arms remained draped on your shoulders.

You grab her by her ass and pull her closer.

Y/n- Honestly?

She nods.

Y/n- Terrible

She tilts her head.

Y/n- I feel so bad doing this to Sana and Mini-Y/n...

Mn- Or Mini-Sana

Y/n- Mina

She chuckles at you and then gives you her full attention.

Y/n- Anyways, It just feels so heavy, knowing that I'm the one that caused this to them

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