Chapter 17 - A different Mi

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Sadness arrives back at the dorm after climbing with a few staff members

Sm- Okay lets head upstairs

They all nod and proceed to do so

They make it to the end of the hallway, past the three rooms of the girls.
Sadness opens it and quickly orderes the staff to take every box out. All clothes and all extra furniture that wasn't bolted down was taken out into the hallway, then down the stairs, then out the room

The girls asked Sadness to clean up their storage room and turn it into a makeshift room for you. They knew that the room wasn't much, but they still thought it was better if you had an actual room in the dorm.
And besides, with a little cleaning and furnishing they can make the said small room into a special one for you

Sm- Take them all to the car. Someone get a broom in here and start cleaning

The staff follows her orders and head inside and start sweeping the floor and the walls of dust

"Unnie where will we bring all those stuff?"

Sm- We'll take them back to the company for now since the girls wont use them anymore anyways

The staff just nods

After an hour or two of cleaning up they get done cleaning and have also cleared the rest of the boxes from the dorm and taken them downstairs to the van

As suddenly a certain girl walks into the room with a glowing aura causing the staff that was in the room to freeze and drop their jaws to the floor

She chuckles at them and confidently makes her way up the stairs. After seeing that there was no one of relevance downstairs

Sm- And make sure that those sockets are still working

"Hey Unnie"

The girl says walking up behind Sadness and poking her back. With this Sadness slowly turns around, already recognizing the voice

Sm- Somi!

She says with a big smile then opening up her arms for a hug, which Somi takes

Sm- Oh it has been so long

They pull away to look at each other

Sm- What are you doing here?

So- Nothing... just wanted to see the Unnies 'And their friend'

Sm- Oh thats too bad, they arent here yet

So- Thats fine Unnie. I can just wait for them here, you would'nt mind would you?

Sm- Oh not at all. We're just about done anyways

So- What are you even doing here Unnie?

Sm- Come with me

Sadness takes her inside the former storage room, now yours

Sm- The other girls asked me to clean this room up for Y/n

So- Ooh... who's Y/n Unnie?

She acted like Chaeyoung hasn't bragged about you already

Sm- Oh he's just helping them write for their new album

So- Thats all?

Sm- No. He cooks for them and takes care of them as well, he's kind of turned into this proto manager haha

Somi laughs with her

So- I wish you could tell me more about him though Unnie

Sm- What do you mean by that?

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